CREATIVITY & INNOVATION creativity Breakthrough Creativity Profile
Second Edition Lynne Levesque, EdD Assessment and Workshop, 1 hour It’s not IF you’re creative…it’s HOW you’re creative. When people are asked to describe a creative person, they usually come up with terms such as artistic, imaginative, or entrepreneurial. But the fact is everyone is creative. Just as there are multiple styles of intelligence, there are multiple styles of creativity that produce different yet equally valuable results. And when organizations integrate creativity into their DNA, they can achieve significant benefits, including better team performance, increased flexibility, greater retention rates, creative problem solving—and a competitive advantage in the marketplace. The Breakthrough Creativity Profile, Second Edition, is the tool you need to uncover creative talents in the workplace. Based on Carl Jung’s well-known personality theory, this learning instrument identifies dominant and auxiliary preferences from eight creative styles. It combines self-assessment with classroom training to help both individuals and teams improve their creative problem-solving skills, develop the ability to be inventive, become more productive, and achieve their creative best. Creative Style Profile Beverly Kaye and Beverly Olevin Assessment and Workshop, 4 hours Creativity is what brings energy and excitement to the workplace. It’s also what increases productivity, innovation, and gives organizations a strategic edge. That’s why it’s not only important but essential to teach people how to think creatively. The Creative Style Profile is an assessment and workshop that helps people to improve their understanding of creativity and innovation and provides the means to build more powerful, collaborative relationships. The profile identifies a personal preference for one of five creative styles. Paper Self Assessment QuickStart Training Two hours of telephone coaching for facilitators
L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S • Understand creativity and the impact of creative talent differences • Identify one’s creative talents and recognize the contributions of each style • Improve problem-solving and inventive- thinking capabilities • Assess team member creative talents and construct a team profile • Create an action plan for individuals and teams to become more creative breakthrough
Facilitator Set Includes workshop instructions, sample participant materials, and PowerPoint presentation
L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S • Discover one’s personal creative style • Learn how to enhance and utilize creative thinking • Understand how communication is affected by creative thinking styles • Recognize how creative styles influence teamwork • Learn how to collaborate with people who have different creative styles csp
Facilitator Set Includes facilitator guide, workshop instructions, individual and group exercises and activities, and overhead, handout, and flip chart masters
Paper Assessment
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