Becoming a Customer Service Star Third Edition Bruce R. Matza Assessment and Workshop, 1.5 hours Make your customer service goals a reality.
L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S • Create a profile of individual customer service strengths and weaknesses • Recognize opportunities to improve customer service and retention • Identify an individual action plan to enhance service in the five key areas
In today’s business climate, customer service training is more important than ever. Becoming a Customer Service Star gives individuals a quick and accurate picture of their customer service strengths and weaknesses in five key areas:
• Feel Positively Toward Customers • Encourage Customer Feedback • Respond to Customer Problems • Develop Repeat Relationships • Seek to Exceed Customer Expectations bcss
The assessment can be used to measure individual performance, build a service team, or identify changes needed in policies or operating procedures. Becoming a Customer Service Star is appropriate for anyone who has contact with customers.
Facilitator Set Includes facilitator guide, workshop instructions, sample participant materials, and PowerPoint presentation
Paper Self Assessment
Online Self Assessment
QuickStart Training Two hours of telephone coaching for facilitators
Internal Customer Service Assessment Eileen Russo, PhD Assessment and Workshop, 1 hour
Internal service providers have a bond with their customers that external vendors simply do not share, and they need to judge their behavior by a new standard. Unlike any other assessment on the market today, the Internal Customer Service Assessment illustrates the real differences between internal and external service. This 30-item assessment is designed to help internal service providers evaluate how well they are practicing the behaviors that constitute excellent internal service — and then assist them through action planning to improve those behaviors.
L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S • Evaluate how well an individual meets the challenges of providing service within the organization • Learn which behaviors are effective in improving internal service • Develop more effective service behaviors icsa
Facilitator Set Includes facilitator guide, workshop instructions, sample participant materials, and PowerPoint presentation
Paper Self Assessment
QuickStart Training Two hours of telephone coaching for facilitators
$450 | 39
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