The Process Manual

Mugs Student photos drawn with names and other identifying information under them. Walsworth’s Panel Maker plug-in simplifies the creation of mug pages. Navigator An InDesign palette that allows you to zoom in and out of your page and see it in a thumbnail view. Nested index An index in which all references for a single name or entry are listed together, with a return between entries. New Spread Button on the Control Center that automatically opens a blank template in the proper size for your yearbook. Non-breaking space A space placed between two words to make sure they do not break when the phrase is indexed. For example, when marking the name Mary Ann Brown, a non-breaking space should be placed between the words Mary and Ann so the name will appear in the index as Brown, Mary Ann, not Ann Brown, Mary. Operating system The master program that a computer needs to start up and perform basic tasks. It allows the computer to perform tasks such as managing memory allocation for software and data files. Originals A folder within the PIX folder in the WPCYB folder. It should be used to store raw digital image files that are downloaded from your digital camera or scanner. Out port A square in the lower right corner of an InDesign text frame used to link text frames. Out of proportion An image that has been stretched so the horizontal and vertical percentages are not equal. Out-of-proportion images will appear stretched or skewed when printed. Palette A feature of InDesign that gives you easy access to various commands. For example, all colors are contained within a Colors palette, and type styles are in a Styles palette. Palette menu Used to access the features of a palette. Can be accessed by clicking the arrow in the upper right corner of any palette. Panels Student photos that are drawn in columns and rows with identifying information to the outside of each row. Walsworth’s Panel Maker plug-in simplifies the creation of panel pages. Paragraph style A type style assigned in InDesign applied to text one paragraph at a time. Parts The numbers assigned to a group of pages by Walsworth after receiving them from a customer. The first batch received is titled 01, second batch 02, etc. Parts that contain color pages, panel pages or ad pages will be numbered differently based on page type.



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