The Process Manual
Pasteboard The outside of the InDesign workspace. Items placed on the pasteboard will not print in the book because they are off the page. Path Type tool An InDesign tool that places type along any previously created path. Pen tool An InDesign tool that creates paths and curves by clicking. Pencil tool A freehand drawing tool in InDesign. Photoshop A software program created by Adobe for the manipulation of digital images. You may use Photoshop to alter, improve or format digital images, or to create special effects. Pica A printer’s unit of measurement used primarily in typesetting. One pica equals 1/6 of an inch, or 12 points. PICT Stands for picture format; a digital-image format. This file format is not supported by Walsworth. Pixel A basic unit of digital imaging. Individual dots (pixels) make up the image on the screen. Place InDesign menu command used to bring digital images, graphic files or text into an InDesign document. PNG Portable Network Graphics is a raster-graphics file format that supports lossless data compression and has the ability to display transparent backgrounds. Plug-in Usually a third-party vendor-developed software that provides an extra function not available in the standard software application. Point A printer’s unit of measurement used primarily in typesetting. There are 12 points to a pica and 72 points to an inch. Pointer tool An arrow on the screen that moves as the mouse is moved. Use the Pointer to choose commands, move data and draw objects. Polygon A closed shape with three or more sides. Polygon tool/Polygon Frame tool Tools in the InDesign Tool palette used for drawing closed shapes with three or more sides. Double click on the Polygon tool to control the number of sides of your shape and any star inset. Portrait CD A CD obtained from the school photographer; contains student photos and information. This is in place of individual prints of student photos. PostScript A language used to describe graphics and text to a computer by a laser printer. Also a type of font.
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