The Process Manual

Book size Refers to the size of the pages in your yearbook. Walsworth offers three book sizes: • 7 (page measurement of 7 3⁄4 inches x 10 1⁄2 inches) • 8 (8 1⁄2 x 11) • 9 (9 x 12) Border A line or an ornamental strip used to create a box. Bring to front An InDesign function that brings a layered item to the topmost layer. Browse Searching the computer for information. Candid An unposed photo showing action. Candid image windows appear gray when numbered with Walsworth’s Image Tag plug-in. Caps and small caps Two sizes of capital letters in one size of type, commonly used in most Roman type faces. Caption A few words or lines of text that describe a photo. Character style A type style assigned in InDesign that can be applied to individual characters. ClikArt A collection of artwork available to Walsworth customers for use on their yearbook pages. ClikArt comprises all line art, grayscale and color artwork available in the collection, as well as backgrounds. CMYK Acronym for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. These are the four colors used in printing full color. Color depth Refers to color, which is measured in bits. Color depth controls smoothness and is required for rich skin tones. Color Information A Walsworth plug-in for InDesign that allows the user to indicate the color specifications for a given page. Colorspace A system used to describe all available colors graphed on a set of axes. RGB and CMYK are examples of colorspaces. Walsworth uses this term to describe the specifications for printing the digital images in your yearbook.



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