The Process Manual
GLOSSARY Adobe Acrobat A program that reads portable document file (PDF) formats. Through Acrobat, users can read electronic versions of printed documentation that maintain the attributes of the printed original. Alias A shortcut to a Mac file that can be created on the desktop or in another convenient place for easy access. Make sure you do not get confused and try to submit alias files. They are usually identifiable by a curved arrow on the icon, an italic name or the word Alias in the file name. Alignment How text is arranged horizontally in a text block. Left-aligned text is even on the left side of the text block and ragged on the right side; right-aligned text is even on the right side of text block and ragged on the left side; and justified text is even on both the left and right sides. Anchor point Also referred to as a handle, an anchor point is a small black square at the corner of an active text block or page element that can be used to resize the element. Apple menu The menu farthest to the left in the menu bar on a Mac computer. It is an Apple symbol and contains accessories and shortcuts to programs and files. Click and hold the Apple symbol to access the menu. Application Also called a program. A generic term used to describe any software program that carries out a specific task. Arrange Manipulating layered objects on an InDesign layout. Artifacts Unwanted aberrations in a digital image such as blotches, dust, lint, scratches, bright highlights and noise. Autofit A function of the Panel Maker plug-in that allows you to enter the number of pages and number of images to create panel pages. AutoSave A feature of some Walsworth plug-ins that allows you to save your files automatically with the proper naming convention.
An alias and non-alias file
Anchor Points
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