The Process Manual
Indexing with no student list If you choose to start the indexing process without uploading a student list or without using your portrait data, follow these steps: 1. Click the Index button in the Control Center. If this is your first time indexing, click the Start indexing button . Click the Index without student data button. 2. In the next window, click the checkboxes to choose what you want to index: students, organizations and/or all other proper names. Then click Continue. 3. Next you will be prompted to choose the folder on your computer where you will save files that you wish to index. Select the folder then click OK. Then click Start indexing. 4. However many files you have in your indexing folder will get scanned. A modal window will show you the progress of the scan and give you the ability to pause and resume the scan. Once it is complete, you will have options to review the indexed names or close the window. Updating and editing the index Once you have performed an index scan, you can return to add more pages to the index and/or add/edit index names. 1. Click the Index button on the Control Center. Click Start indexing. 2. Select whether you are indexing using portrait data or a master list. 3. Click the checkboxes to choose the terms you are indexing, then click Continue. 4. Save the page files you want to index into your previously-chosen indexing folder. Click OK. Then click Start indexing. 5. Once your scan is complete, you will be able to work in the Index Builder window by clicking the Review Index button where you will be able to make the following edits: a. You can view alphabetically by name (last name) or by spread (page number) using the tabs at the top of the screen. There is also a filter that allows you to view the most recently indexed names and a search field that lets you enter a specific name. b. Clicking a linked page number will open that spread in InDesign, where you can verify the name or make changes to the page. c. By hovering over a name, you can activate the options to edit a name (pencil), merge two names (double arrows) or delete a name (large X). Flowing your index When you are working in the Index Builder, you can flow the index on to the page using these steps: 1. Click the New flow button in the upper right corner of the window. 2. Click the checkbox to Flow into a new document, then choose the page that your index will start on. (Note: if you are returning to reflow or add to an existing index, you would check Flow into an existing document.) 3. 3. Use the drop-down menus to make your styling choices, including number of columns on your index pages. Click Continue. Your index will flow on to the page.
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