The Power of Connections

CREC acquired an electric car in 2021 to use as a co op service vehicle but also to gain more knowledge about EVs.

Growth in technology – This includes battery storage cost reductions; more choices in battery electric vehicles; forecast of car sales by fuel source; and EVs changing the experience with co-ops and experts in electrification in vehicles, “smart” connected devices, and cyber and physical security. The prevalence of smartphone apps and “smart” technology for homes is increasing, and consumers and businesses are showing greater interest in electric vehicles. Cooperatives are uniquely positioned to meet the challenges in providing energy to accommodate these developments. Continue and expand CREC’s presence in the community – The co-op principle of “Concern for Community” has and will always be a focus. CREC continually offers community, economic, and educational opportunities to its members and, going forward, hopes to identify additional ways to be involved, such as occasions when employees can volunteer or when the co-op can provide sponsorships to help enhance the communities it serves.

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82 Cuivre River Electric Cooperative

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