The Power of Connections

CREC said goodbye to Kevin Hurd, manager of administrative services (left), who retired in August 2021. At right is President & CEO Doug Tracy.

Bryon Stilley joined CREC in $XJXVW WR ²OO WKH VKRHV of Operations and Engineering Manager Rick Didion. Photo from Lyle Whitworth Photography

Leadership training for current and future employees – Succession planning, as more co-op team members approach retirement, means preparing existing and prospective employees to take the reins and continue CREC’s mission. The co-op’s commitment to investing in its people now and in years to come remains a top focus.

The co-op’s commitment to investing in its people now and in years to come remains a top focus.

Rick Didion, in this photo from early in his CREC career, retired in 2021. He had been with WKH FR RS VLQFH


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