The Oklahoma Bar Journal December 2022

to Sept. 30, the office received 23 formal grievances and 90 infor mal grievances. These numbers compare with 13 formal griev ances and 66 informal grievances respectively the same time period last year. From Sept. 1 to Sept. 30, there were five disciplinary cases and one petition for reinstate ment awaiting decisions from the Oklahoma Supreme Court. One order of a 75-day suspension was issued by the Supreme Court. In summary, as of Sept. 30, there were 184 grievances pending inves tigation by the Office of the General Counsel for future presentation to the Professional Responsibility Commission. In addition to the pending investigations, there is one grievance awaiting a private reprimand, one grievance awaiting a letter of admonition and 13 griev ances to be filed as formal charges with the Oklahoma Supreme Court. Furthermore, upon the suc cessful completion of the Attorney Diversion Program, participating attorneys are to receive private rep rimands involving 14 grievances and letters of admonition involving 17 grievances. A written report of PRC actions and OBA disciplinary matters for the month was submit ted to the board for its review. BOARD LIAISON REPORTS Governor Erwin reported the Access to Justice Committee met to primarily discuss the upcoming virtual Access to Justice Summit on Oct. 21. He encouraged his fellow board members to register

which included several business items as well as CLE. Governor White Jr. reported he presented a Professionalism Moment to the Tulsa County Bar Association.

he attended the Bryan County Bar Association meeting and was a panelist and presenter at Southeastern Oklahoma State University’s Constitution Day events for a forum titled “Conflicts Between State and Federal Law on Marijuana.” Governor Dow reported she attended the Cleveland County Bar Association monthly meeting and the Oklahoma County Bar Association Family Law Section meeting. She also attended the Family Law Section Adoption Committee meeting. Governor Edwards reported he attended the Children’s Court Improvement Program CLE. Governor Rochelle reported he attended the Comanche County Bar Association monthly CLE. Governor Smith reported she attended the new admittee swearing- in ceremony and was invited to serve as a panel member at the OCU Law Career Exploration event as a Civil Practice Pathway pre senter. She and Awards Committee Chair McGill participated in a call to congratulate 2021 YLD Chair April Moaning for her selec tion as the OBA’s Outstanding Young Lawyer Award recipient. Governor Vanderburg reported he attended a Cost Administration Implementation Committee meet ing at the Oklahoma Judicial Center (second in the series) and was appointed to the subcom mittee to draft statutory lan guage and attended its Oct. 7 meeting. He attended the Kay County Bar Association meeting,


Governor Erwin reported he attended the September YLD meeting and the swearing-in ceremony for new OBA mem bers, where the YLD sponsored Junction Coffee drinks and pas tries for new bar admittees and their families. He also reviewed and voted on the amended bud get with the Budget Committee and attended the Access to Justice Committee meeting. He also reported that the YLD’s upcoming October meeting will be an “email meeting” to finalize last-minute details before the OBA Annual Meeting. Additionally, while the YLD typically does not have a meeting in December, its board is planning a volunteer event at the Oklahoma Regional Food Bank on either the second or third weekend in December. General Counsel Hendryx reported that the Office of the General Counsel has a full hearing schedule for the next two months. Furthermore, she updated the board on the work of the Clients’ Security Fund and anticipated claims against the fund through the end of the year. From Sept. 1 REPORT OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL

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