The Oklahoma Bar Journal December 2022

B oard of G overnors A ctions

Meeting Summary

with a representative from Sen. Lankford’s office to discuss various topics. He met with Ford Audio to discuss A/V updates in Emerson Hall, attended the Membership Engagement Committee meeting, the public hearing on the budget, the Women in Law Conference reception and luncheon, the swear ing in of new admittees, and he participated in Solo and Small Firm Conference preliminary planning.

Director Search Committee meeting and interviewed candidates. He virtually attended a meeting on an employee contract and attended photography sessions with the OBA Communications Department. He also attended the board gathering at Iguana Mexican Grill. REPORT OF THE VICE PRESIDENT Vice President Pringle reported he worked with the Search Committee on evaluating appli cants and conducted interviews for the executive director posi tion. He submitted an article for the upcoming Transactional Law issue of the Oklahoma Bar Journal , attended and spoke at the swearing- in ceremony for new OBA admit tees and attended a meeting of the Membership Engagement Committee. He also presented on virtual currencies for the Financial Institutions and Commercial Law Section’s Annual Banking and Commercial Law update on Oct. 14. Executive Director Williams reported he attended dinner with the Board of Governors the evening prior to the board meeting. He also attended a Supreme Court confer ence to present amendments to the Rules for Judicial Elections, an OBA directors meeting to review the Annual Meeting plan, the monthly staff celebration and a meeting with Corporation Commission staff to discuss use of space. He also met REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

The Oklahoma Bar Association Board of Governors met Oct. 14, 2022.

REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT President Hicks reported he attended a meeting of the Search Committee to review executive director applicants and plan inter views and, along with the commit tee, participated in interviews of five executive director applicants. He also organized final candi date interviews with the Board of Governors. He also attended Annual Meeting planning sessions, consulted with Executive Director Williams on various bar matters and met with the board’s officers to discuss an employee contract. President-Elect Hermanson reported he attended the Oklahoma Attorneys Mutual Insurance Company board meeting, the Boiling Springs Legal Institute, and he virtually attended an Oklahoma District Attorneys Council Legislative Committee meeting. He participated in budget discussions with Executive Director Williams and Administration Director Brumit and had discussions with the Budget Committee and voted on the amended budget. He also attended the public hearing on the budget. He worked on appointments for next year and on planning 2023 Board of Governors meetings. He virtually attended the Membership Engagement Committee meeting. He also attended the Executive REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT-ELECT


Past President Mordy reported by email he attended the Boiling Springs Institute in Woodward

and met with the Executive Director Search Committee.

BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Governor Ailles Bahm reported she attended a Board of Governors dinner the evening prior to the last board meeting and participated in the Budget Committee meet ing. She also participated with the Oklahoma County Bar Association Community Engagement Committee and created packages of diapers for Infant Crisis Services. She also attended the Women in Law Conference reception and lun cheon. Governor Bracken reported he attended the Oklahoma County Bar Association board meeting, OCU School of Law Mentorship Reception and met with his OCU law student mentee. Governor Conner reported he attended the Garfield County Bar Association meeting. Governor Davis reported

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