The Oklahoma Bar Journal December 2022
next executive director. The board also passed a motion to approve a 12-month employment contract to be offered to retiring Executive Director Williams. 2023 BOGMEETING SCHEDULE President-Elect Hermanson outlined the notional schedule and provided key highlights, which will include some travel outside of the metro area. President Hicks reviewed upcoming bar-related events, including the third annual Access to Justice Summit, Oct. 21, Oklahoma City; OBA Annual Meeting, Nov. 2-4, Oklahoma City Convention Center, Oklahoma City; Board of Governors holiday party, Dec. 8, Oklahoma City; Board of Governors Swearing-In Ceremony, Jan. 20, 2023, Oklahoma State Capitol, Ceremonial Courtroom; Legislative Kickoff, Jan. 27, 2023, Oklahoma Bar Center; and Day at the Capitol, March 21, 2023, Oklahoma State Capitol. The Board of Governors met in November, and a summary of those actions will be published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal once the minutes are approved. The next board meeting will be at 10 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 9, at the Oklahoma Bar Center in Oklahoma City. NEXT BOARD MEETING UPCOMING OBA AND COUNTY BAR EVENTS
Governor Garrett reported the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee is meeting regularly, and monthly discussion groups are also meeting regularly. She said the committee is encountering roadblocks in establishing monthly discussion groups in non metro areas and said a new committee member has a background in clinical mental health.
committee is working to improve cross education, such as CLEs, in conjunction with other committees. Governor White reported the Legal Internship Committee will pres ent its Intern of the Year Award at the upcoming OU College of Law alumni luncheon. Vice President Pringle reported the Legislative Monitoring Committee will meet during the Annual Meeting, and new leadership is being sought. Governor Smith reported the Diversity Committee has selected its annual Diversity Award win ners and invited board members to attend the annual Diversity Dinner. 2023 BUDGET AND PERSONNEL SCHEDULE The board passed a motion to approve the submission of the 2023 annual budget as presented or amended to the Oklahoma Supreme Court. The board unanimously passed a motion to approve the hiring of Janet K. Johnson as the OBA’s
and attend the summit. President Elect Hermanson reported the Membership Engagement Committee met and discussed a planned app for members. He also reported that 170 people attended a CLE aimed at training OBA mem bers on the Fastcase legal research service. Governor Garrett reported the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee is meeting regularly, and monthly discussion groups are also meeting regularly. She said the committee is encountering roadblocks in estab lishing monthly discussion groups in non-metro areas and said a new committee member has a back ground in clinical mental health. She also reported the Cannabis Law Committee is meeting virtually monthly, and two new committee members have been added. She said the committee has identified the need for aware ness of intersectionality between cannabis and other areas of law to improve client services. The
56 | DECEMBER 2022
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