SOMA Living February 2023
FROM THE DOCTOR Functional medicine is a hybrid between traditional medicine and holistic medicine. For the uninitiated, holistic medicine is comprised of both physical, mental, emotional and sometimes even spiritual health. It should be applied by a licensed professional, with patients abiding by the doctor’s instructions to progressively bounce back to a healthy life. This form of treatment offers many benefits, which include longer appointments (to uncover root causes) and alternative treatments (ex.,herbal remedies). Auto Immune diseases are among the most common health concerns addressed by Functional Medicine. These are diseases or conditions where the body starts mistakenly attacking healthy cells. Autoimmune diseases include: alopecia, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, AIDS, and vasculitis. Chronic pain and related symptoms are also treated with Functional Medicine. Chronic pain, inflammation, and stress can last for years after the original illness or injury has resolved . The body gets used to operating as if something is wrong, so it continues to display potentially debilitating symptoms that can affect different body areas for an extended period. Typically, the traditional doctors prescribe pain medication, which lets the patient regain some normal function for short periods but doesn’t figure out how to treat the root causes of the pain, such as: back pain, arthritis, headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, nerve damage, unexplained weight changes, digestive disorders (IBS, IBD, acid reflex). WHAT IS FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE?
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Dr. Mark Sielski, DC, CCSP South Orange Chiropractic , CFMP Bachelors in Biology Pre-Professional ‘86Kean Univ Doctor of Chiropractic ‘90 New York Chiropractic College Certification as a Chiropractic Sports Physician 1991
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