Dealing with Tough Negotiators Second Edition HRDQ , Developers Rollin Glaser, EdD and Eileen M. Russo, PhD
Assessment, Workbook, and Workshop, 1 hour You can’t turn a tough negotiator into a problem-solving partner. But you can achieve win-win outcomes if you apply the right negotiating techniques from Dealing with Tough Negotiators . This 30-item assessment helps respondents identify their areas of strength and weakness in five key negotiating skill areas: Maintaining Composure, Developing Data, Refocusing the Discussion, Being Creative, and Handling Information Strategically. Both the Assessment and the Workbook are written for negotiators who have at least some negotiating experience.
L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S • Learn five key skills for dealing with tough negotiations • Identify strengths and weaknesses in five skill areas • Practice handling tough negotiations • Understand how to enable win-win solutions with tough negotiators dwtn
Facilitator Set Includes facilitator guide, workshop instructions, sample participant materials, and PowerPoint presentation
Workbook Strengthen participants’ understanding. Includes development-planning section to maximize learning transfer.
Participant Workbook
Paper Self Assessment
QuickStart Training Two hours of telephone coaching for facilitators
Common Currency The Cooperative-Competition Game Lorraine Ukens, MS Game, 1.5–3 hours You can’t win the game alone. Discover for yourself this fresh approach to individual, team, and organizational development with Common Currency: The Cooperative- Competition Game . Teams representing fictional countries must cooperate in trading coins and informationwhilecompetingforthemostvaluable combination of coins. The game demonstrates the importance of group interdependence. This game is a flexible, team-based activity that utilizes a wealth of interpersonal and group- process skills. We especially like using it as part of negotiating and strategic planning workshops. But it’s ideal for a wide array of training topics. The Facilitator Guide includes debriefs for training in team building, communication, negotiating, strategic planning, decision making, problem solving, resource sharing, and more. Also included is a separate change module, which demonstrates the value of cooperative- competition in times of change.
L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S • Learn the basic principles of cooperative competition • Discover how cooperative competition achieves the greatest results • Develop the team and interpersonal skills that drive cooperative competition currency
Complete Game Kit Materials to train up to 8 teams of 2–6 players at one time
Extra Game Pack Materials to train an additional team of 2–6 players
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