CBA Record September-October 2024

courtroom, where she has presided over numerous complex bankruptcy cases. Judge Baer has always prioritized access to justice for people in need through her leadership in the Northern District’s Bankruptcy Court Liaison Committee and the Court’s Rules Committee, which she has chaired for the past four years. She has helped recruit pro bono lawyers and actively supported the Bankruptcy Court Pro Se Help Desk and other initiatives to make the court more welcoming and accessible for people without lawyers. Kate Mitchell has dedicated her legal career to public service, starting with legal aid and juvenile justice and for more than 10 years in academia as a clinical professor. As Director of the Health Justice Proj ect at Loyola University Chicago, a medi cal-legal partnership clinic addressing the intersecting challenges of poverty, health, and justice, Mitchell has cultivated a col laborative environment where law, medi cal, and social work students provide clients with holistic representation. She has developed innovative coursework to create a truly interdisciplinary program at Loyola. She consistently mentors and encour ages her students to engage in pro bono and community service. Her teaching style has been described as reflective, respect ful, and life-changing by her students and peers, with many of her students continu ing to work in public service inspired by her example. Leonard Jay Schrager Award of Excellence

against) for his professionalism, extensive knowledge of bankruptcy law, and repu tation for always being a staunch advocate for his clients and the ideals of the justice system. Barrett has long made pro bono work an integral part of his practice. In 2008, he began working with Judge Benjamin Goldgar to organize the Pro Bono Panel in the Bankruptcy Court, a program that provides pro bono counsel to unrepre sented parties in contested bankruptcy matters. In the 15 years since the panel was created, Barrett himself has taken on numerous pro bono cases assigned by the panel. He also has played a lead role in the formation and continued support of the Bankruptcy Pro Se Help Desk in the Court. Jenna Stupar, a partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, has already amassed a strong record of pro bono and service to the pro fession in her early years of practice. Of the many pro bono cases Stupar has worked on, the ones that particularly stand out are those representing formerly incar cerated people and incarcerated survivors of gender-based violence. In these cases, she has devoted hundreds of hours toward obtaining the justice her clients deserved. Her presence in the courtroom has been described as laser-focused and open hearted even in the most difficult of cases, with one judge saying that she hoped her daughter one day would comport herself as well in the courtroom as Stupar. Maurice Weigle Exceptional Young Lawyer Award

Many of Reidy’s notable pro bono achievements stem from his work with the National Immigrant Justice Center. Under his leadership, AT&T lawyers and paralegals partnered with law firm col leagues to represent 49 NIJC clients, rep resenting individuals and families from Central America, Mexico, Haiti, Macedo nia, and Mongolia, among others. Reidy also co-chairs NIJC’s Pro Bono Leader ship Committee. For the past five years, he has helped bring together pro bono leaders to identify new ways to deliver services through pro bono activities – for example, sponsoring corporate/firm pro bono opportunities that increase the numbers of volunteers even in a challeng ing environment. Lisa Palumbo has dedicated her entire career to serving low-income people, par ticularly immigrants. She currently serves as the Director of the Immigrants and Workers Rights Practice Group at Legal Aid Chicago, where she has worked for 32 years and now leads a team of 30 attorneys and paralegals in four core areas: immi gration, employment, migrant workers, and human trafficking survivors. Palumbo’s peers describe her work on immigration cases and related advocacy as “legendary,” distinguished by her deep understanding of the law and genuine empathy for her clients. As an outstand ing advocate for justice, she brings a stra tegic vision to her work, achieving the best results for her clients while advanc ing systemic legal reforms. Her efforts have transformed countless lives and sig nificantly advanced the broader fight for social justice and equality. You can learn more about the CBA/CBF Luncheon and these inspiring lawyers and judges at celebration. Thomas H. Morsch Public Service Award

Edward J. Lewis II Pro Bono Service Award

Exelon Outstanding Corporate Counsel Award

As a senior member of the Bankruptcy & Creditor Rights Group at Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP, William (Bill) J. Barrett is regarded by his colleagues as a pleasure to work with (and

John “Jay” Reidy , Assistant Vice President & Senior Legal Counsel at AT&T, is a dedicated pro bono leader who mobilizes his professional skills and corporate leader ship roles as a powerful force for good.

PRO BONO OPPORTUNITIES Are you looking for a pro bono opportunity that fits your skills, interests and availability? Search an online database of pro bono opportunities by subject matter, client type, and time commitment at Not sure where to start? The Chicago Bar Foundation’s Pro Bono Support Program can also help you identify and connect with pro bono opportunities that match your schedule, interests, and goals. To learn more, contact the CBF at 312-554-1204 or


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