CBA Record September-October 2024

Chicago Bar Foundation Report

Left to right: CBA President John C. Sciaccotta, Aronberg Goldgehn; Lisa Palumbo, Legal Aid Chicago; Mike Lehrman, Baker McKenzie LLP; Corina Oprea, Mondelez International, Inc.; John “Jay” Reidy, AT&T; Natiera Robinson, Ascend Justice; William J. Barrett, Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP; Jenna Stupar, Kirkland & Ellis LLP; CBF Board President Sang-yul Lee, K&L Gates; and Kate Mitchell, Loyola University of Chicago School of Law. Celebrating Our Community’s Pro Bono and Public Service Heroes By Emme Veenbaas, CBF Senior Manager of Communications & Events

M ore than 450 people came together at the Hilton Chi cago in July to honor seven heroes in our legal commu nity at the CBA and CBF 26 th Annual Pro Bono and Public Service Awards Luncheon. The event again underscored that no matter where we are in the legal profession, we have a unique ability to make our community a better place by improv ing access to justice for people who are most in need. Here’s more on this year’s inspiring award recipients: Kimball R. Anderson and Karen Gatsis Anderson Public Interest Fellowship Natiera Robinson’s commitment to public interest work began while she was in high school. Her personal experiences fueled her passion for making a difference in the lives of people who lack access to proper resources. At Ascend Justice, Robinson works as a staff attorney in the Incarcerated Survivors Program, where she provides family law services for people who are incarcerated and are survivors of gen der-based violence. She also works to connect them with crucial

resources, such as DCFS caseworkers and mental health coun selors. Her dedication extends to supporting families affected by maternal incarceration, earning her the nickname “The Grandma Whisperer” for her ability to build trust with grandmothers navi gating complex legal and welfare systems. Robinson’s commitment to both Ascend Justice and to nur turing future leaders embodies the spirit of the Anderson Fellow ship. The fellowship’s $25,000 award will help lessen the burden of Robinson’s student debt and will enable her to continue her advocacy for criminalized survivors and their families at Ascend Justice. Justice Thomas L. Kilbride Public Service Award Judge Janet S. Baer has shown an exemplary commitment to improving access to justice and to making the courts more equitable for parties — a commitment that began long before her judicial appointment. As a distinguished judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court since 2012, Judge Baer is renowned for her expertise and fairness in the

18 September/October 2024

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