Bridge City ISD Winter-Spring 2023-24



READY? SET. TEACH! Students Gain Insight into the World of Education \\ By Natasha Ray

2023-24 BCHS Ready Set Teach Team

Holland, BCHS teacher, emphasizes the program’s impact: “Ready Set Teach is a fun way for our students to get hands-on experience inside of a classroom with a teacher and students. They learn a lot about classroom management, they teach in front of a class, and gain a lot of experience for anything they may want to pursue in the future with education.” The Ready Set Teach program is a practical, immersive experience that bridges the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application. Students gain a firsthand understanding of the challenges and triumphs associated with teaching diverse age groups. By working alongside experienced educators, students in this program receive mentorship that goes beyond textbooks. The collaborative environment nurtures a passion for teaching and a commitment to fostering a positive and impactful learning experience for students of all ages. As a result, the Ready Set Teach program at Bridge City High School is a pathway for aspiring educators to step confidently into the dynamic world of teaching, armed with both knowledge and practical experience.

IN THE HEART OF BRIDGE CITY HIGH SCHOOL, AN INNOVATIVE INITIATIVE IS SHAPING THE FUTURE OF ASPIRING EDUCATORS. THE READY SET TEACH CLASS OFFERS STUDENTS A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO DELVE INTO THE PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND TRAINING PRACTICES. UNDER THE JOINT GUIDANCE OF A HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER SPECIALIZING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND ELEMENTARY EDUCATORS IN DIRECT INSTRUCTIONAL ROLES AT BRIDGE CITY INTERMEDIATE AND BRIDGE CITY ELEMENTARY, STUDENTS GAIN INVALUABLE INSIGHTS INTO THE MULTIFACETED WORLD OF EDUCATION. Gabriela Leblanc, senior student and President of the Ready Set Teach program, expresses her motivation, saying, “I love helping kids and want to have a positive impact on kids and younger generations. Knowing how to work with kids would definitely help you in the future.” This program equips students with the skills necessary to plan and execute individualized instruction and engaging group activities. Breanna


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