Bridge City ISD Winter-Spring 2023-24



Cultivating the Next Generation of Innovators CAREERS FROM CONCEPTS TO

BCHS Engineering teacher and 2023 Secondary Teacher of the Year, Daniel Auchenbach explains that the implementation of the design process is at the core of the program. Students are guided through the entire lifecycle of engineering projects, from conceptualization to the production of tangible prototypes, including testing and multiple redesigns to improve upon the final product. Auchenbach states he gives students the opportunity to experience the engineering design process in a safe environment with the chance for a design to fail. He emphasizes “failure is not a negative but a learning experience,” encouraging students to take the information gained from failure to redesign and improve their projects. This hands-on, trial-and error approach not only instills resilience in students but also equips them with the practical skills needed to tackle real-world engineering challenges. “This class hits on my favorite thing about teaching, which is witnessing the moment of learning, the lightbulb click. That’s the best moment,” reflects Auchenbach, highlighting the joy he finds in guiding students through the discovery of knowledge.

BRIDGE CITY HIGH SCHOOL’S ADVANCED ENGINEERING CLASS STANDS OUT AS A HUB FOR CULTIVATING THE NEXT GENERATION OF INNOVATORS. FOCUSED ON IMPARTING ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN THE PROCESS OF DESIGN AS IT APPLIES TO ENGINEERING FIELDS, THE PROGRAM EQUIPS STUDENTS WITH A DIVERSE SET OF TOOLS AND SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS NECESSARY FOR PRODUCING AND PRESENTING CUTTING-EDGE CONCEPTS. “One of the things I really like about this class is looking at a problem and being able to solve it in the way that I want to and not necessarily being told how to do it,” shares Colton Gross, a Senior Engineering student. This sentiment encapsulates a significant aspect of the program—the exploration of different ways to solve problems. The curriculum encourages students to think outside the box, fostering a mindset that values creativity and individual problem-solving approaches. “We’ve learned how to use a lot of things like 3D printers, the CNC machine, [wood engraving] lasers, but we’ve also learned about team building and leadership,” Gross adds. As an A&M hopeful, he expresses confidence that this course has not only equipped him with the technical skills required for engineering but has also instilled the collaborative and leadership qualities crucial for success. Gross believes this preparation will be invaluable as he embarks on his future education in engineering, paving the way for a promising career in the field.


2023-24 BCHS Engineering

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