Bridge City ISD Winter-Spring 2023-24

AT BRIDGE CITY HIGH SCHOOL, A REMARKABLE TRANSFORMATION IS TAKING PLACE WITHIN THE BUILDING MAINTENANCE CLASS. LED BY COACH CHAD LANDRY, THIS PROGRAM HAS EVOLVED FROM ITS MODEST BEGINNINGS TO A THRIVING COMMUNITY OF AROUND 200 STUDENTS, RESHAPING THE EDUCATIONAL LANDSCAPE. “The program started out with a handful of kids, and we’re at about 200 now,” Coach Chad Landry shares enthusiastically. “We’re getting a new facility, so there’s a lot of excitement around the program. We’re more than just a woodshop. We teach beginner electrical, plumbing, sheetrock, and painting. It’s a little bit of everything. The students nickname it ‘The Dad Class.’” High school junior Luke Williams, who has enrolled in the class every year, reflects on the unique impact of Coach Landry: “Coming out here with Coach Landry is always great. He always teaches us life lessons. and essential teachings that go beyond conventional expectations. As Bridge City High School’s Building Maintenance class continues to thrive and expand, it is undoubtedly building more than structures – it’s building futures filled with versatile skills and boundless potential. Building Maintenance Program Thriving DAD CLASS \\ By Natasha Ray THE feature BUILDING MAINTENANCE He could be a second dad to most people. He teaches us the basics of anything you could know about fixing things around the house. We even poured a concrete slab last year. I genuinely think I learn the most valuable information in this class of all my high school classes.” The expansion of the program reflects a growing interest among students in acquiring hands-on skills that are not only practical but also crucial for future endeavors. The nickname ‘The Dad Class’ reflects the class’s diverse

2023-24 BCHS Building Maintenance

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