2019 Response
as well as community-building, a volunteer retreat, teacher training (e.g. classroommanagement skills, lesson planning, etc.), and all of the necessary training so that volunteers are able to obtain a commercial driver's license (volunteers assist with driving the school buses). APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications are accepted throughout the year, and admission into the volunteer program occurs on a rolling basis. Typically applications are submitted between November and March. We encourage interested persons to apply as early as possible, as matching can begin as soon as February 1. We usually offer agreements to volunteer applicants between February and May. Some volunteer positions may remain open as late as June or July, so please feel free to inquire at any time to see if there are available volunteer positions. Redeemer Ministry Corps 1600 Huntingdon Pike Meadowbrook, PA 19046 215-914-4116 lmehalick@holyredeemer.com w hrmcorps.org F facebook.com/RedeemerMinistryCorps L @RMCorps @redeemerministrycorps GOAL OF PROGRAM: Redeemer Ministry Corps is a long-term volunteer program that seeks to provide a caring, comforting and healing presence to vulnerable populations through service in healthcare, social work and environmental care. Volunteers live together in community and serve full-time in ministries of the Sisters of the Redeemer. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Long-term: Nurse/Nurse's Aide, Patient Care Assistant, Hospice and Bereavement Ministry, Home Health Care, Community Health Liaison, Pastoral Care, Oncology Support and Outreach, Elder Care, Housing Issues/Poverty Relief, Social Work/ Case Manager, Teacher/Teaching Assistant, Environmental Advocate/ Garden Coordinator, Outreach to Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Short-term: Summer Garden Internship AREA OF SERVICE: Urban and suburban Philadelphia LENGTH OF SERVICE: Long-term: RMC service year program is 11 months, renewable, beginning in late-August. Short-term: The Summer Garden Internship is a three-week long service experience. REQUIREMENTS: Long-term: Redeemer Ministry Corps volunteers are women and men who desire to make a difference in the lives of others, live in a communal setting and have the opportunity to foster their faith life, develop friendships and live a simple lifestyle. College education preferred or equivalent experience. Some positions require CPR certification. Short-term: Summer Garden Intern applicants are 18 years or older. Love of nature and some garden experience are a plus. The application process includes recommendations and an interview. Documents and deadline for applying can be found on our website. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Long-term: Room and board, medical insurance, monthly stipend, community vehicles provided, assistance with travel home at end of service year. Assistance with loan forbearance/deferment. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Long-term: Volunteers live in community with other volunteers. They join the Sisters of the Redeemer for community meals and prayer twice a week. Short-term: Summer Garden Interns and alternative spring break groups are provided housing, meals, and eat in community. SIZE OF PROGRAM: Long-term: RMC hosts up to 5 volunteers each year. Short-term: Up to 5 Summer Garden Interns are accepted each summer. CONTACT: Lisa Mehalick, Director AFFILIATIONS: Roman Catholic
TRAINING: Long-term: One-week orientation program, workshops and reflection days, professional development, supervision, retreats. Three day debriefing program. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Long-term: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until June 5th. If positions are still available after this date, late applications may still be accepted. Rostro de Cristo Volunteer Program 66 Brooks Dr. Braintree, MA 02184 617-746-5892 faceofchrist@rostrodecristo.org; apply@rostrodecristo.org w rostrodecristo.org F facebook.com/RdCEcuador L @rostrodecristo @rostrodecristo25 CONTACT: Michele Kelley, Assistant Director AFFILIATIONS: St. James Society; Archdiocese of Boston; Roman Catholic Church GOAL OF PROGRAM: Rostro de Cristo is a Catholic program who provides spiritual and educational opportunities for people of faith to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ together with the people of Ecuador. The program invites participants to: be in relationship with the Ecuadorian people and reflect on the face of Christ in their joys and struggles; support Ecuadorian people in their work to achieve a justice rooted in Gospel values in their developing communities; and lead a simple lifestyle and build an intentional Christian community. In this way, Rostro de Cristo participants are witnesses to the Gospel and a source of hope and light in the community. These experiences inspire and reinforce the commitment of these participants to service, social justice, and solidarity with the people of Ecuador and the world. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Opportunities for ministry vary. Volunteers typically serve in one or two work placements with partner organizations, typically in the fields of education, health care, and social services. Some examples include: schools, daycare centers, hospitals, a clinic for patients with Hansen's disease, a women and children's shelter, and pastoral ministry. In the afternoon, some volunteers run after-school programs for the children in the local communities. Other volunteers work on community outreach in the neighborhoods, and are also involved at the local parish. The emphasis of the RdC program is always to be with the people; volunteer foster relationships with their neighbors, which serve as the most powerful and profound means of expressing and seeing God's love. Rostro de Cristo volunteers also serve as hosts for about 20-25 high school, college, and parish retreat/immersion groups that visit throughout the year. Each volunteer is responsible for leading 1-2 of the week-long immersion-experience retreats. AREA OF SERVICE: Guayaquil and Duran, Ecuador LENGTH OF SERVICE: 13 months (summer - summer): 2 weeks of U.S. orientation in July followed by 2 weeks of in-country orientation in Ecuador. Volunteers serve for one full year, beginning in late July and ending at the beginning of August the following year. REQUIREMENTS: Single young men and women, no dependents, ages 21 - 30 years. Knowledge of the Spanish language preferred. Good health. College degree or significant life/work experience. Faith- based motivation to serve others and live in community with other volunteers. Application process includes a personal interviews. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Room, board, in country health insurance and monthly personal stipend. Round trip airfare from USA to Ecuador. Orientation in the US, 4 retreats in Ecuador, and a re-entry retreat in the US. Volunteers are asked to support RdC with community fundraising efforts. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Volunteers live together in an intentional community setting. There are two separate volunteer houses located
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