2019 Response

in the Guayaquil area, and volunteers are both a part of their house community (of five to seven people) as well as the larger volunteer community (of 12 - 15 total volunteers). SIZE OF PROGRAM: 12-15 year-long volunteers. TRAINING: Orientation program early July through early August. RdC offers spiritual, community and supervisory support from our staff in Ecuador and alumni mentors in the US. RdC organizes 4 community retreats throughout the year, and a re-orientation retreat in the US. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Priority deadline: February 15th. After February 15th we will continue to accept applications on a first come, first serve basis. S.M.A. Lay Missionaries 23 Bliss Ave. Tenafly, NJ 07670 201-496-8394 vocations.sma@gmail.com w smafathers.org; smainternational.info L @SMAFathersNJ CONTACT: Theresa Hicks, S.M.A. Vocation Director Asst. AFFILIATIONS: Society of African Missions, Roman Catholic GOAL OF PROGRAM: Missionaries live in community and work together in collaboration with the local church. Our main focus is to live the Gospel in our daily lives. This is expressed through our presence and ministries among the people whom we serve in Africa or elsewhere. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Missionaries are needed in the fields of health, education, community development, social services, catechetical programs, pastoral ministries, agriculture, construction, computer, etc. AREA OF SERVICE: Primarily Liberia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania and other African countries, and limited ministries in the U.S. LENGTH OF SERVICE: Two years mission service. Longer term commitments and renewal are encouraged. REQUIREMENTS: Men and women, single, married with no dependents, ages 23 to 50 years (negotiable), Catholic, completed college (BA or BS) or qualifications in their area of expertise. Previous volunteer experience is helpful. We are also open to Priests, Sisters and Brothers. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Room and board, medical insurance, stipend, transportation to and frommission site. Candidates are asked to provide their medical coverage while in training and to participate in fundraising activities for the Society. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Live in community or as part of an apostolic community. SIZE OF PROGRAM: 6 - 10 lay missionaries. TRAINING: September to December formation program. Language and culture training for the first three to four months in assignment. During formation, areas covered are personal growth, spirituality, team building, cross-cultural experience, mission theology, African studies, SMA's vision and mission, pastoral ministries, missiology, and other topics. Candidates live and work together, participating in community life, daily prayer and Liturgy. APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 1st Sacred Heart Southern Missions Volunteer Program

CONTACT: Lois Harrison, Individuals Volunteer Coordinator; Kelly Tartt, Groups Volunteer Coordinator AFFILIATIONS: Catholic GOAL OF PROGRAM: Sacred Heart Southern Missions is a Catholic ministry in Northern Mississippi sponsored by the Priests of the Sacred Heart. Our Mission is to be a witness to the all-inclusive love of God revealed in the Sacred Heart of Jesus; to be a voice of compassion for people in need; and to be steadfast in our work for social justice. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Long-term (1-3 months): Tutoring in schools, clerical work, home health care services, food pantry, thrift store, etc. Short-term (1 week to 1 month): Soup kitchen, garden cafe, home repairs, construction (roofing, flooring, painting, etc), cleaning for the elderly, Thanksgiving & Christmas outreach. AREA OF SERVICE: Five northern counties of Mississippi (Tunica, Desoto, Marshal, Tate, Benton) LENGTH OF SERVICE: Long-term: one to three months, possibility for renewal after three months. Short-term: one week to one month. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers 18 years and under need to come in a group with adult supervision and all necessary paperwork signed by a parent. This is the responsibility of their church/school/organization. Over 18 years of age can volunteer individually or with a group. They are responsible for all paperwork. Skilled volunteers welcome! FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Volunteers are responsible for their own meals. We do help ocassionally with meals. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Long-term: Volunteer house in Holly Springs, MS. Short-term: Volunteer house in Walls, MS (separate buildings for men & women). SIZE OF PROGRAM: Long-term: one to five volunteers; Short-term: 10 to 35 at a time. TRAINING: Long-term: We have regular orientation and work site orientation after which the volunteer will be working with the manager of the program. Short-term: We have regular orientation and work site orientation and depending on the jobs, volunteers will be matched up with skill level and capability. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Open. Saint Francis School St. Francis of Assisi School 21 County Rd. 356 Lumberton, NM 87528 575-759-3252 stfrancisoflumberton@gmail.com w stfrancislumberton.org CONTACT: Madeline Lyon, Principal AFFILIATIONS: Roman Catholic GOAL OF PROGRAM: To provide high standard academic opportunities to a multi cultural student body. St. Francis of Assisi School serves the Jicarilla Apache Nation in Dulce, New Mexico, and the people of Lumberton, a rural ranching community. Many of Lumberton's citizens are Hispanic. Our mission is: to teach and live the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through family involvement in worship, evangelization, education and service. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Teaching grades K-8, Title I, teacher's aide. AREA OF SERVICE: Lumberton & Dulce in northern New Mexico. LENGTH OF SERVICE: 10 months: August 1 through May 31. REQUIREMENTS: Men and women, single and couples. Must be 21 years or older. Must have a BS or BA degree. Education degree not necessary but helpful. Preferably Catholic, but not a requirement. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Monthly stipend, housing, two meals on school days, medical insurance.



6050 Hwy. 161N Walls, MS 38680 662-342-3182 or 901-626-5432 Lharrison@shsm.org; ktartt@shsm.org w shsm.org F facebook.com/shsmissions



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