ist magazine February 2023
Animated publication
From the Publisher
Good Decisions
Dear Readers, Another 12 issues are history as we begin Volume 27 of IST Magazine ! With this anniversary, I could go on about how things have changed in the tanning industry since I opened my first salon back in 1979 and started publishing in 1997, and they certainly have changed; but there are constants, as well. One thing that hasn’t changed is our goal of producing an important resource for salon operators and others who make their living in the tanning business. I have always been deeply vested in publishing IST, making it something our advertisers find value in supporting. Of course, I give credit to our contributing writers for helping to make it happen every month – it’s not an easy task to think of something “new” to write about operating an indoor tanning facility. As IST continues to evolve, we have some things in the works. For 26 years, we have found new ways to promote our supporters. New this month are features highlighting two industry-leading companies that have been shaping the direction of our industry for many years: Devoted Creations (p.14) and JK Products (p.28). These are examples of how we create a mutually beneficial source of information to help you make good business decisions. Here’s a great business decision: level-up your team and invest in super affordable Sun is Life® Salon Operator Training! You could be our next “Salon of Distinction” … see details on p.50-51. Nearly all businesses are being impacted by the current economic climate; perhaps you’ve thought about analyzing your operations, making some adjustments. Jerry Deveney’s article “Conducting a Professional Business Analysis” offers a simple formula to get you started (p.48). You’ll also find articles about interviewing potential employees, enhancing your digital presence and more. In case you haven’t heard any good news in a while: people still love to be tan! Whether you’re new to the industry or a veteran operator, I hope you’re finding time to get your house in order and preparing to make the most of the fast-approaching peak season. We’re here to help you make good decisions. Thanks for reading,
Publisher Vince Lorraine Editor In Chief Vince Lorraine Managing Editor Sherron Barden Assistant Editor Peter Hinterman Editorial Advisory Sherron Barden
Staff Writer Joe Schuster
Graphic Design Daria Akulova Hailey Worrell
Accounting/Circulation Kim Davis
Senior Account
Executive Terese Allen
Contributing Writers Grant Cardone Melissa Damiani Jerry Deveney
Gary Lipman Lisa Saavedra Leif Vasstrom
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February 2023 | Volume 27 | Issue 1
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If there’s something you’d like to see in your IST, please email Vince Lorraine, Publisher
Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
February 2023
Contents February 2023 Volume 27 • Issue 1
COLUMNS 4 From the Publisher 10 Industry News 14 NEW Trending @ Devoted Creations 16 Industry Watchdog 24 ASA News
IN EVERY ISSUE 18 Product Showcase 62 IST Contributors 63 Distributor Contact
26 Ergoline Focus 28 NEW Ergoline Spotlight 30 Lync IT 32 Monthly Motivation 34 Notes from the Road 36 UK View
Cover image by Sviatlana /
Contents February 2023 Volume 27 • Issue 1
FEATURES 11 7 Questions with ... Donna Evans Sales Manager, Four Seasons 12 Salon of Distinction Tan Athens Athens, GA 38 Get the Facts! with Sun is Life® Training
40 The Power of Potential 44 5 Must-Haves in Digital Consumer Experiences 48 Conducting a Professional Business Analysis
52 Reframe Your Business Value 56 Stop People from Stealing Your Time
Palm Beach Tan ® Expands Footprint with Acquisition of At The Beach DALLAS, TX — On January 4, 2023 Palm Beach Tan, Inc., the nation’s largest indoor tanning provider, announced the acquisition of the At The Beach tanning chain, which includes 58 facilities across Oklahoma, Kansas, Southern California and Colorado. With the latest addition, Palm Beach Tan now operates more than 650 franchised and company-owned salons in 34 states and has nearly doubled in size in the last seven years through acquisitions, new construction and franchise growth. “With the acquisition of At The Beach, we are pleased to continue the expansion of the Palm Beach Tan brand in new markets such as Colorado, Kansas and Oklahoma,” said Diane Lucas, CEO of Palm Beach Tan. “At The Beach has built such a tremendous reputation across the country for its quality of salon offerings and customer service, and we look forward to the opportunity of providing our signature Palm Beach Tan services, as well as our exclusive beauty and wellness products to new members and guests.” The new PBT locations will be owned and operated by long-time franchise entities. Bronze Body, LLC will acquire 27 salons in Denver and Old Trinity Partners, LLC will ac quire 25 facilities in the Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Wichita regions. West Coast Tanning will add six more locations to their presence in the San Bernardino County and Orange County areas. Existing At The Beach customer accounts will be trans ferred to Palm Beach Tan and all memberships, sessions, credits and packages will be honored. In addition, all At The Beach members will be integrated into the company’s signature Premier Rewards® program, offering loyal PBT members free upgrades, spray-tans, lotion discounts and more. All At The Beach staff have been offered positions with Palm Beach Tan. n
Patryk G. Reczek 4.26.57 - 12.7.22
The indoor tanning community recently lost one of its giants with the passing of longtime equipment importer and distributor, Patryk Reczek. Patryk entered the industry in 1993 and spent the next three decades importing many lines of high-end tanning systems to the U.S. and Canada including UltraBronz, Sunsport and Sun Italia, as well as the Formostar Infrared Bodywrap. Well-known throughout the industry, Patryk was considered a professional, very knowledgeable and helpful person who always made himself available to his salon customers with repair service, advice and replacement parts and lamps for all older tanning systems operating in the market. He will be greatly missed by many. Patryk leaves his business partner and husband of 30 years, Roman Caparida-Reczek, who will continue on with the salon support business. The couple resided in Las Vegas, NV.
Founded in 1990, Palm Beach Tan, Inc. is the
leader in the indoor tanning industry, operating more than 650 locations nationwide, both corporate and franchise-owned under the brands Palm Beach Tan and Planet Tan. The company has revolutionized the industry through innovative technology, products and services as well as a com mitment to the education of the brand’s more than 3,000 salon beauty consultants. For more info, visit
February 2023
Salon of Distinction
I really enjoyed my chat with this month’s Salon of Distinction owner! Not only is Kristy Mazeika a super-enthusiastic individual, but her facility is also located in Athens, GA – a great college town. I had the pleasure of providing Sun is Life® Certification to Kristy and her Assistant Manager, Emalee Griggs, at the National Tanning Expo in Nashville, TN. And as our readers should be aware by now, if you pass Sun is Life certification, you could be selected for a Salon of Distinction feature! ATHENS, GA By Joe Schuster
IST: Many owners get their start in the indoor tanning industry by buying an existing salon, maybe one that the current owner wants to sell and perhaps one where they were a former customer. Some may have heard that it’s a solid opportunity to invest in the “look good/feel good” business. It seems that very few folks ever set a life goal to own a tanning facility. Many just seem to “fall” in – as I once did! How did you get your start? KM: Joe, I have been involved in the tanning industry for quite a while, over 18 years. I started as a sales consultant and then worked my way into manage ment and finally, ownership. In 2017, I purchased the salon I had managed for over seven years and re-branded it to Tan Athens.
IST: The indoor tanning industry has been historically centered around 18-35 year old females. You’re located not too far from me in Athens, GA. What a beautiful town! Who is your typical salon guest? KM: As you know, it’s a college town (Go, Dawgs!) and most would assume that this location would draw a huge percentage of college-age females. But Athens is also known as a great place to retire and this gives us the opportunity to serve a wide spectrum of both male and female tanners ages 18-60. IST: Sanitization standards were covered in depth during our Sun is Life classroom course. You may recall me suggesting that a great way to beat the competition is to offer
Co-owners Julian & Kristy
Mazeika count on a well-trained team
to provide salon guests with a great experience. (From Top): Grace Gordon, Maddie Thornton, Gracie Page, Julia Carter and Attison Cofer.
February 2023
Owners • Julian & Kristy Mazeika Years in Business: 5 Staff: 7
UV Systems: 16 Sunless Systems • (1) Norvell Auto Revolution Booth • (1) Norvell Custom Spray-Tan Unit Other Services • Red-Light Therapy Lotions • Designer Skin • Devoted Creations • Ed Hardy • Tan Inc. • Swedish Beauty
“At Tan Athens, we believe in having a staff that is fully trained in all aspects of indoor tanning.” KRISTY MAZEIKA
• Hempz • Norvell
Best Selling Lotions • Devoted Creations Black Velvet • Devoted Creations Bronze Confidential • Devoted Creations Beyond the Beach Salon Software • Helios Distributor Partner • Heartland Tanning Salon Certification • Sun is Life (of course) • Norvell Spray-Tan *Additionally, we have been voted Best Tanning Salon in Athens, GA five years in a row! Pictured with Co-owner Kristy (right) is Assistant Manager, Emalee Griggs.
the cleanest facility in town. How would you describe your cleaning protocols?
IST: The training also includes salon opera tions such as how to resolve an issue with a dissatisfied guest. Can you give our readers an example of a “testy” Tan Athens tanner (no names, please!) and how you handled the situation? KM: I have learned over my 18 years in the tanning industry that you simply cannot make everyone happy – every now and then, you will get a dissatisfied customer. At Tan Athens, we make sure to listen to the guests’ needs and concerns, figure out what we can do to make sure they feel heard and appreciated. Recently, a guest really wanted to tan twice in one day. I let them explain their reasoning and calmly told themwe do not allowmore than one session in a day because the tanning process doesn’t stop when you leave the sunbed; your skin needs downtime to properly develop color. As recommended by the FDA, a 24-hour resting period between sessions will allow you to maximize your color and skin care. IST: Kristy, I’ve really enjoyed our chat but it’s time for the wrap-up. What are the 3-5 year goals for your salon? KM: We plan to expand our business within Athens and the surrounding areas to pro vide the best guest experience to our current tanners and many future new ones. I am always reaching for the stars! n
KM: Our sanitization standards are top notch! We continuously strive to provide a clean and friendly environment by going above and beyond with cleanliness. We only use certified cleaning solutions and deep clean our equipment constantly to ensure our guests get the best tanning experience and results. IST: As you passed the class with flying colors, you and your assistant manager, Emalee, received Sun is Life completion certificates. I’m sure you have them properly framed in view for your guests! What insights can you share about the training and the importance of salon operator certification. KM: Yes, our Sun is Life certificates are beautifully framed in our salon – that was a great suggestion you made in the class! We really take pride in learning and growing our knowledge and the training was awesome! Joe, I must say that you did a great job providing really vital infor mation on a number of topics including sunlamp life, understanding how the skin tans and how to maintain equipment. At Tan Athens, we believe in having a staff that is fully trained in all aspects of indoor tanning.
Trending @DevotedCreations
What’s YOUR Regimen?
By Madeleine Harrington Digital Marketing Coordinator & Product Specialist
These days, quality skincare has such a high demand – con sumers strive to take better care of their skin and are also doing more research of the ingredients contained in the products they purchase. This is one of many reasons why Devoted Creations is highly desired, as we use a wide variety of premium ingredients and our main focus is overall skincare. There is no specific number of products needed for any tanning regimen; people choose prod ucts that will meet their specific needs and help them achieve and maintain desired results. To demonstrate consumers’ pas sion for their personal tanning regimens, we took to social media to ask devoted DC followers about their favorite tanning skincare regimens. The compelling aspect of asking a wide audience is that while they all use and love Devot ed Creations products, they all have different reasons why. This proves that individual skincare needs vary and there is no wrong answer – we truly have products for everyone! Take a look… ■
This can also apply to styling your hair. You can curl or straighten, but without heat protectant and hairspray you are not only damaging your hair, but you also will not create the long-lasting results desired. This is exactly where your tanning regimen comes full circle. Using a tanning lotion is great for promoting a tan, but adding a face product, tan extender and body wash to the routine (to name just a few) is what will truly protect and extend the life of your tan and also benefit your skin. The first ingredient in all DC products is Aloe Vera, which re stores skin’s lost moisture. Why is this important? Well, your skin needs optimal hydration in order to achieve the best tan!
A tanning skincare regimen is important for many rea sons. You can compare it to your everyday shower routine or “getting ready” routine. You can wash your hair with shampoo but without using conditioner, you are lacking the extra moisture, not preventing breakage, and not getting that extra “protective coating” your hair craves. You cannot just skip a step and expect great results!
February 2023
Industry Watchdog
Cogito Ergo, Sum! By Joe Schuster
G ood old philosopher Rene Descartes proudly de clared, “I think, therefore I am” and establishes solid ground for one’s own existence. This is great because every now and then, I have my doubts. While I’m on the subject of doubts, behold another prognostication claiming that indoor tanning is tied to an increase of primary melanoma skin cancers. Last month’s study was the impetus for an article in last month’s online Medical Dialogues: ogy/news/indoor-tanning-tied-to increased-risk-of-multiple-primary melanomas-study-says-104866 NOTE: The topic of melanoma and skin cancer is not avoided, but covered directly in our Sun is Life® Salon Operator Training & Certifica tion course. The following factors may raise a person's risk of devel oping melanoma
• Has many moles or unusual moles • Has a family history of melanoma • Has a weakened immune system • Received excessive
sunbed once a month from January to October for a total of ten lifetime indoor sessions? I revert back to Latin and shout “Reductio ad absurdum,” which is one of the basic tenets of sales that I learned many moons ago. “Reduce to the ridiculous” – characterizing an opposing argument in such a way that it seems to be ridiculous. I certainly trust that I led you to the same conclusion that I reached. It reminds me that if something gets repeated sufficiently and repeatedly, it will become the truth. This clearly is the case with those entrenched in pointing the finger at indoor tanning as the culprit when it comes to skin cancer. Hey, too much of anything (well, okay – most things) can be bad for us. For most things we do in life, moderation is key. Our Sun is Life Certification also covers the principle of tanning in moderation, whether it’s indoors or in natural sunlight. I close with a final proclamation in Latin: “Vita sana vivere!” (Live a healthy life!) n
ultraviolet (UV) light exposure … there is an increased risk of developing melanoma. However, armed with their study, this group tries to correlate ten (that’s right, just ten) indoor tanning sessions with increased melanoma risk. I perused the study and found that there is nothing stated regarding just exactly what “ten” they’re talking about. Could it be the ten three-minute expo sures received over a period of ten years in a tanning system equipped with lamps that have been used past the manufacturer’s estimated useful life? Well, we’ll never know because of course, that’s not stated. Did the study include the subjects’ estimated lifetime exposure to natural sunlight? I could not find it. Consider someone who grew up and played in the warm waters of Miami Beach and then spent several years lifeguarding to pay for college at the University of Miami and then used a
Clearly, if one: • Is fair-skinned
• Has a history of sunburn • Lives closer to the equator or at a higher elevation
Team IST searches for erroneous, suspect or negative reporting by the media that adversely impacts the tanning industry. Reports such as these have plagued tanning businesses for decades. Although the media sources will seldom admit a falsehood and print a retraction, IST offers these well-crafted responses to the negative reports that can be shared with your customers and potential customers, alike.
Maryna /
February 2023
DEVOTED CREATIONS Tanovations 1. H.I.M. Hydrate™ DAILY FACE &
3. Beyond the Beach™ HIGHLY CONCENTRATED DARK DHA BRONZER • Luxurious 4K Blend • Plant Based Silicones • GlowPlex™ Evens Skin Tone & Supports Luminosity • Glowing Light Enhancer X50 PhotoGlow™ • Apple Cider Vinegar Balancers • Cellulite Fighters • Targeted Anti-Aging & Firming • Bakuchiol Antioxidants • Tattoo & Color Fade Protecting • After Tan Odor Eliminators
2. Barbados Blues™ CARIBBEAN COLOR CREATOR • Blue-Hued Dark Tan Creator • 2 Melanin Stimulators • Cherry & Banana Extracts • Softening Mango Butter • Anti-Orange Agents • Targeted Anti-Aging & Firming • Electrolyte-Rich Coconut Juice • After-Tan Odor Eliminators • Saltwater Sea Scent 11OZ MSRP $51.95
BODY MOISTURIZER • Improves Dull Skin • Rich Anti-inflammatory & Antioxidant Blend • Sensitive Skin Approved • Oil-Absorbing • Skin-Softening • White Birch Extract
• Lavender & Rosemary Extracts • Tattoo & Color Fade Protecting
• Blissful Beach Scent 12.25OZ MSRP $97.98
• Ocean Waters Scent 8.5OZ MSRP $17.98
February 2023
6. CE Glow™ VITAMIN C INFUSED GOLDEN GLOW BRONZING SERUM • GlowPlex™ Evens Skin Tone & Supports Luminosity • Apple Cider Vinegar Balancers • Complexion Perfecting Golden C • Hyaluronic Acid + HA producing Hyalufix™ • Super-Slimming Technology • Highly-Concentrated Cellulite Smoothers • Collagen-Perfecting & Plumping • Antioxidant Pollution Defense System • Tattoo & Color Fade Protecting Technology • Sweet Nectar Glow Scent 13.5OZ MSRP $135 • Powerful Superox C™ • Glowing Light Enhancer X50 PhotoGlow™
4. Sunshine Superstar™ INFLUENTIAL GLOW BOOST DARK TAN ENHANCER • Bronzer-Free Light-Diffusing Optimizer • Electrolyte Cocktail
• Plant-Based Silicones • Complexion-Perfecting Golden C • Powerful Superox C™ • Hyaluronic Acid + HA Producing Hyalufix™
5. Ride or Tide™ BEACH READY BRONZING COCKTAIL • Instant Color Bronzing Blend • Hydrating Mango Butter • Detoxifying Starfruit • Electrolyte-Rich Coconut Water • Super-Charged Superox C™ • Moisture Level-Maintaining • Tattoo & Color Fade Protection • Moonfruit Tidal Wave Scent 8.5OZ MSRP $28.98
• 4K Hydra-perfecting Base • Collagen-Preserving Agents • Indoor/Outdoor Tattoo & Color Fade Protecting • Imperfection-Blurring • Sweet Summer Escape Scent 12.25OZ MSRP $66.98
February 2023
Sefie Glow Sunless 9. Power Hour 1-HOUR RAPID COLOR EXTREME DARK SELF-TANNING MOUSSE • Vegan Collagen • Color Correcting • Fast Drying 7-Day Formula • Organic DHA + Instant Bronzed Color • Melactiva Melanin Stimulator • Watermelon & Plum extracts • Coconut Water • Anti-orange Agents • Mandarin Mimosa Scent 7OZ MSRP $36
8. Frosé Fantasy™ DELICIOUSLY LUXURIOUS SATIN SOFTENING FUSION • Satin Softening Daily Moisturizer • Ultra-Blurring Moisture-Lock Technology • Skin-Quenching Electrolytes • Radiance Boosting Champagne Extracts • Antioxidant-Rich Super Fruit
7. Crush on Color™ EXTREME DARK DHA BRONZING LOTION • Black Charcoal Detoxifiers • Color-Correcting CC Cream • Carrot Oil • Antioxidant-Rich Acai Berry • Skin Hydrating Ceramides • Blackberry Blast Scent 8.45OZ MSRP $31.98
Smoothie Blend • Skin-Perfecting Vegan Collagen
• Frosé Fantasy Scent 18.25OZ MSRP $26.98
February 2023
FLEX PODZ TANNING EYE PROTECTION • Traditional Goggle Style • Soft, Flexible Material • Bright Neon Orange, Green, Pink, Blue & Purple • 12 Pair/Bag • Display Box Available MSRP $3.34
NAIL SAVERS • Keeps UV from from yellowing, drying & lifting nail treatments • Keeps spray-tan solution from staining nails & cuticles • Soft PVC vinyl (no latex) with UV Inhibitors • Pliable, flat-grip design • Reusable, one size fits all • Resealable bag contains 11 pink caps MSRP $14.99
ASA News
Kansas Salon Owner Defends Her Business
By Kelly Robbins Owner, Sunsations Tanning Salon
I opened my tanning salon in 2006 and have since regularly attended trade shows to gain better knowledge and understanding of our industry. At that time, I did not see the value of a tanning association; therefore, I joined a national small business association with hopes that they would be able to help battle the federal Tan Tax brought on by the Affordable Care Act. I have since learned that the American Suntanning Association (ASA) does so much more than the aggressive work they were doing in Washington, they also battle proposed legislation in each state to protect the indoor tanning industry. When the Governor of Kansas ap proached me to apply to be a representa tive on the Kansas Board of Cosmetology (KBOC), I was hesitant. I reached out to a childhood connection and now mentor, Daryl Ringler, who previously held the position. He connected me with fellow tanning salon owner Roger Holmes, who was then the current KBOC member and an ASA Board member. With the encouragement of two strong industry veterans, I decided the KBOC was a good investment of my time to help further strengthen our industry.
Thanks to my newfound position on the Cosmetology Board, I learned that a bill was being considered to add state sales tax to all beauty services, including tanning. With a 10% federal excise tax already hurting my business, I knew an additional tax from the state would be devastating, and my business would suffer more than it already had. I imme diately contacted the ASA, alerted them to the bill and joined with them to put a stop to this damaging state tax. OVER THE YEARS, I’VE LEARNED THAT THE WAY TO PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS IS NOT SITTING ON THE SIDELINES AND HOPING SOMEONE ELSE WILL SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS. Despite the short time frame we were given before the bill went to committee, the ASA was ready! With the help of ASA’s Joe Levy, I held meetings with several representatives along with Joe. I also presented the tanning industry’s position on taxation to the committee,
giving them a first-hand perspective from a local tanning facility owner. At that meeting, there were only two representatives of the tanning industry there – Joe Levy from the ASA and Yours Truly. The ASA provided all the literature and written testimony that was needed to fight the bill. I was there to speak from a business owner’s perspective regarding the impact this would have on small, women-owned businesses in Kansas. We managed to dodge the state tax for tanning salons; but I can hon estly say that nothing would have been done to stop this tax from becoming a reality if it weren’t for my work with the ASA. Their experience, development of critical information and materials and most importantly, their presence at the state capitol were critical in facing this damaging bill. Over the years, I’ve learned that the way to protect your business is not sitting on the sidelines and hoping someone else will solve your problems. That’s why I am now a proud member of the ASA. If you’re planning for a future in the indoor tanning industry, you should be, too. ■
About the ASA Founded in 2012, the American Suntanning Association is committed to defending and growing the industry through a detailed and proactive plan directed by an all-salon board and executed by more than two dozen management and con sulting team members who specialize in this type of work.
February 2023
Ergoline Focus
V alentine’s Day is almost here and while you may be planning to spoil your loved one, it’s also the perfect time to treat yourself! Self-care is one of the best therapies, so why not give your skin a little love this year? Vitality by Ergoline offers tanning beds that combine UV light, red light, and blue-light technology to create a sun-kissed glow that will not disappoint. Vitality by Ergoline is the world’s leading provider of high-quality tanning systems. Their innovative technology makes them easy to use and allows tanners to experience a ses sion customized just for them. These beds are equipped with advanced UV tanning lamps and LEDs that feature adjustable intensity, allowing the tanner to adjust the level of their tan as needed. The powerful lamps also provide fast, efficient tanning results,
giving your salon guests a bit of time back from their busy schedules. When it comes to tanning and the sun, the care of your skin is always paramount. Thanks to the advanced technology and light combination with Vitality, you can adjust or turn off the UV output to customize your tanning or red/blue-light sessions. You read that right … For salon customers looking for something in addition to UV tanning, the new era of Vitality by Ergoline also offers red-light technology and blue-light
options. Red-light technology helps to reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone and texture. Blue-light exposure helps to prep and re-energize the skin. Both light spectrums offer amazing results without exposure to UV rays. It’s a perfect time to show your body some love with an exceptional tan from Vitality by Ergoline! Combining the traditional UV tanning bed with in novative red and blue LED technology ensures you get an even glow that lasts. Treat yourself this Valentine’s Day – you deserve it! n
It’s a perfect time to show your body some love with an exceptional tan from Vitality by Ergoline!
Valerii /
February 2023
Ergoline Spotlight NEW
JK is proud to kick off 2023 with the first exclusive Ergoline Spotlight! At JK, we believe wholeheartedly in supporting our salon customers beyond the sale with training, service and prod uct education. Ergoline systems provide trusted and high-performing light technology that tanners rave about. We are excited to share what our customers are saying about Vitality by Ergoline … “ “The feedback on the Vitality TLT has been outstanding! It is simply a WOW factor bed – like tanning in a Mercedes! We have had many customers convert to only using the TLT and a few dozen upgrading their membership! It’s still the slow season and overall traffic is lower right now, but I anticipate MANY people will be waiting for that bed in the busy season. Will we need a second one? Time will tell! “The tan appears to develop more golden bronze and we have heard many customers comment about how nice their skin feels. Personally, I am obsessed with my results because I’m extremely fair-skinned and burn quite easily, yet I still get great, bronze results using the TLT’s Sensitive setting. This bed is certainly a one-size-fits-all tan ning option for all skin types or anyone who wants to focus more on skincare and beauty. I couldn’t be happier with my purchase and look forward to edu cating even more customers about the skincare benefits of this system!” April Bauer Executive Tans Algonquin, IL
Ergoline Spotlight Experience a new generation of tanning and diversification with Vitality by Ergoline.
“ “Jill and I wanted to take a moment to let you know how pleased we are with the decision to purchase the Vitality TLTs and the installation experience. Brandon and Jeremy were efficient and professional, working non-stop. Training the staff on the beds has been a breeze so far, and the clients love the extra control the TLT affords them. All in all, the experience was an enjoyable transition. We wanted to also thank you for your assistance in making all this possible and helping with coordinating the process along with Shannon and everyone else at JK.” Glen Harrod South Beach Tanning Wesley Chapel, FL
February 2023
“ “When we were invited to Clearwater, FL for the product reveal, I was very skeptical of what we would see. This was the most exciting tanning show experience in our 21 years as salon owners! In my mind, I thought some exotic light show on the outside of the bed for about $4-5 thousand more and basically, the same tanning technology on the inside. Boy, was I wrong! “The Vitality TLT is the first bed you see in our salon. The exterior is sleek and very eye-catching but it is the technology that sets it apart. Our customers really enjoy having options to customize the UV and red- and blue light tanning experience they desire. Red Light, Blue Light, UV Light, Mist, Aromatherapy, the type of music they want to hear and a phone charger – all in a very roomy bed. “There has been a notion that to tan, one will need to feel hot or be sweating. The Vitality puts this notion to rest. The three-zone Temptronic gives the perfect climate from head to toe and still with a beautiful tan. Our customers can now experience a new realm of tanning, one that incorporates UV tanning with age-defying. I have numerous customers whose scars, acne, eczema and psoriasis have substantially diminished because of Vi tality’s many beauty components. Not only does this bed help with the skin’s youthfulness, but it delivers a beautiful bronze tan they deserve. “To date, the Vitality TLT is our No. 1 bed. We tanned over 500 sessions in November alone! Want to set your salon apart? This is a WOW factor you won’t want to do without.” Ron King Tanning Unlimited Quincy, IL
“ “I want to describe the client experi ence in the new Vitality TLT as like the astronaut ‘Overview Effect.’ Defined as ‘a state of awe precipitated by a particularly striking visual stimulus,’ the cognitive shift that emerges with a session in the TLT radically reorients the user to a new, elevated experi ence. If I thought a tanning session in an Affinity series was pampering, then TLT is out of this world! “Right away, the TLT’s eye-catching design, Bluetooth connect and phone charging port tell the user that they are about to experience something new. With the interactive tablet display out side the canopy, users get the auton omy to build their oasis from the start. Our clients love this ‘WOW’ factor! “During the session, the TLT continues to impress. The new Spectra facials, combined with Activating Blue-Light LEDs, Red-Light LEDs, Beauty Light and Hybrid Light, create a radically new and exceptionally unique experience. One of my favorite customer responses to the TLT has been how soft her facial skin felt after using it for only one week. Speaking of one week, our salon has sold 65 EFT memberships for this unit! We have yet to have a customer try it and decline to upgrade their membership or purchase additional upgrades to use it again. “In a particularly challenging eco nomic climate, the salon is benefiting from offering additional hybrid retail products and the new equipment. A tra ditionally, ‘slow season’ lull has been a period marked by new customer traffic, increased sales and momentum. It will be very exciting to see what the TLT will bring in the coming season!” Amy Ringler The Midas Touch Emporia, KS
“ “The feedback for the new Ergoline Vitality is absolutely amazing. In 30 years in business, this is by far the best investment we have ever made! Introducing the hybrid light technology and the option to benefit from light therapy during the session draws so many customers. “We created a separate level for this bed which is well deserved. Many customers have upgraded memberships to include this bed and since its arrival, it’s been the busiest equipment every single day (from all our levels). Overall, our customers describe it as a ‘tanning experience like no other,’ the ‘most luxurious experience in this bed, delivering the most beautiful, longest lasting tan.’ “I was very impressed by how there are many options to choose from. The Spectra LED facials are amazing, and the results they deliver are unmatched by any other facial I have ever used. We are so happy with the Ergoline Vitality and we look forward to installing the next one!” Ofir Anchel Ergoline paid attention to every small detail on the Vitality. The design draws a lot of attention, and operation during the session is very easy, even though
Sun Spa Tanning Sherman Oaks, CA
Do you have a Vitality testimonial you would like to share? We want to hear it! Share it on your Instagram and tag us @Ergolineus
Lync IT
Help US Help YOU
By Melissa Damiani
In order to be successful, every business depends on technol ogy and we all know that it is inevitable that a hardware or software issue will arise from time to time. Whether it is technical in nature or a procedural type of item, you might need to reach out for assistance – after all, that’s the purpose of technical support! When contacting your vendor(s) techni cal support department, it is good to know ahead of time what type of support plan you have. For example, are there different support tiers available and will you receive unlimited assistance during a specified time frame? Or, do you have to pay per inquiry (which, as you can imagine, could become quite costly)? Also important is knowing the avenues available for submitting a question or issue to the technical support team. If there are multiple options, do you have the flexibility to submit an issue based upon your pref erence and what might be convenient for you at a particular time? Having multiple forms of contact such as phone, email, chat or even the ability to submit an issue via a website can be especially helpful. For instance, if you have an issue that might be difficult to explain in an email format, you might feel more comfortable ex plaining it over the phone via your vendor’s toll-free phone option. Or perhaps you have a setup question that is not urgent in nature and would rather submit an email. As your time is extremely valuable, there are a few ways to prepare prior to seeking
Being armed with information and working hand-in-hand with your vendor will help them assist you swiftly and skillfully.
hand, they actually may lead to clues that are instrumental in finding their solution. If you are a multi-salon operation and can’t connect to your database, you can expect to be asked questions like, “do you have internet connectivity at your current location?” or “where is your server located?” If you can’t send a session time to your equipment through your software program, the rep might ask if you have tried restarting or if the cable on your timer manager is connected to your workstation. Ultimately, a support department’s goal is to ensure that you are able to use their products to their fullest extent and to reme dy potential issues as swiftly and skillfully as possible. Being armed with information and working hand-in-hand with your vendor will help them achieve this mission. ■
technical assistance so the process is as efficient and smooth as possible. A great place to start is to ensure that you are con tacting the correct vendor for your issue. For example, if your internet connection is down, you will want to contact your ISP rather than your software vendor. Once you know who to contact, try to gather as much information as possible. If it’s a hardware issue, helpful information will include the model number and name as well as the brand and even serial numbers if available. If you are experiencing a software issue, it will be useful to know the program version you are operating. Knowing the details of error messages you might be receiving can also be very valuable when it comes to resolving an issue quickly and efficiently. Regardless of how you seek assistance or what the issue might be, many support departments will open a ticket within their systems where they notate all the info you provide. Having ticket numbers available to you will also allow you to track any open items. When troubleshooting a technical issue, it is always a good idea to start with the basics so if the support representative asks you a series of questions that don’t seem to be especially pertinent to the issue at
About the Author: Melissa Damiani is the Sales Manager of SunLync Software, Inc. a member of the JK-North America group of companies. With the company since 2002,
Melissa has served the organization in several capacities, and has extensive knowledge of all aspects required to deliver robust salon manage ment software solutions that are designed to enable measurable growth within its users’ ever-evolving business models. Call Melissa at 866.SUNLYNC x3 or email
February 2023
Monthly Motivation
As we enter 2023, we’re in a full-blown recession. Despite this fact, I’m not here to scare you. I’m here to show you what you can do to make yourself invincible in any economy… First of all, the world isn’t going to end just because we’re in a financial crisis. People will continue to do busi ness. The difference will be between who comes out of it simply surviving – and who comes out thriving. Like any other trouble I’ve gotten myself into, the solution is full offense and domination. In three powerful steps, here’s the battle plan to champi on this recession in 2023: Bulletproof Discipline When there is a collapse of this kind, contraction will discipline the undisciplined. Don’t wait to be smacked before you put strong routines and work ethics in place. You will require both when you’ll have to do double the work for fewer results. Without discipline, you’re more likely to give up, and that’s the surefire way to lose this battle. Now, let’s talk about how you’re going to apply your hustle to win. How to Dominate During the Recession of 2023 1 By Grant Cardone
You’re in a New Game – Learn the Rules
Go the extra mile for your customers. Provide them with so much service that they get sick of you. You want your business to make it through anything? Become the only one who will do the job. Final Thoughts on the 2023 Recession To wrap everything up, this 2023 re cession is not the first we will experience, nor will it be the last. Nonetheless, history shows us that corporations and people make it. At the end of the day, all the big fish will still be here: Apple, Google, Pepsi … you just have to be one of them. ■
As this recession continues to unfold in 2023, you’ll need to learn the new rules fast. This is where creativity – and the strong regimens you developed in step one – will give you an advantage. Once you get a sense of the new play ing field, it’s time to take on step three: YOUWANT YOUR BUSINESS TO MAKE IT THROUGH ANYTHING? BECOME THE ONLY ONE WHOWILL DO THE JOB. It’s Not “Best” Practices; Now, It’s “Only” Practices You might be wondering what I mean by “only” practices. Basically, it is the only way you’re coming out the other side of this recession with expansion. You have to start doing things that no one else in your industry will even touch. Chase the impossible leads. 3 With each economic downturn, the way the world does business changes. For example, 2020 had companies scrambling to digital marketing and online commerce to stay in the game.
About the Author: Grant Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author, the No. 1 sales trainer in the world, and an internationally renowned speaker on lead
ership, real estate investing, entrepreneurship, social media and finance. His companies have annual revenues exceeding $100 million. Forbes named Mr. Cardone #1 of the “25 Marketing Influ encers to Watch in 2017.” He regularly appears on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC, and writes for Forbes, Success Magazine, Business Insider , CNBC, and Entrepreneur. He urges his followers and clients to make success their duty, responsi bility and obligation. He currently resides in South Florida with his wife and two daughters.
February 2023
Notes from the Road
Whatever the item is in their purse or pocket, they bought it – so they should be able to tell you why! The Good – “This lip gloss is amazing! The color is so rich, it lasts all day and comes with a great sponge applicator brush.” If your candidate can point out features and benefits of whatever they’re selling to you, they will be far easier to train to sell products and services. This also shows you their confidence level and outgoingness (a trait I think is necessary for a salon salesperson). The Bad – “Umm ... I don’t really know what to do” or “You should buy this lip gloss because it’s nice.” A vague, soft spoken or in my opinion “scared” answer will most likely be the same way they will attempt to sell products and services to your guests. If you’re in business to make money, you can’t have someone behind your counter who is scared to talk to customers. Whether or not you use any of these interview questions, remember: You can teach facts and benefits, but you can’t teach attitude and willingness to learn. When hiring staff, do not just look for a warm body who can work the shift times you need. Find a person who is outgoing, willing to learn and goal-oriented. In my experience, these are the ones who will become your long-term team members. n
The Interview: What to Ask a Candidate By Lisa Saavedra
At this time of year, we are getting ready to gear up for the busy season and for most salon operators, this means hiring more staff. A question I am always asked is, “What are some good interview questions?” By no means am I claiming to be an expert in this field; I recommend and have used these interview questions and included some “Good” and “Bad” answers.
1. Why do you want to work in a tanning salon? The Good – They mention helping people reach goals, working as a team, making people feel better about them selves or a positive experience they had with indoor tanning, etc. The Bad – “I love tanning!” (Well, duh! We all do!) When a candidate says this, I typically cringe. The job you are hiring for does not include putting on lotion and laying down for 12 minutes! It involves cleaning, sales, varied hours, product and equipment knowledge, etc. 2. What do you think about your previous boss? The Good – “He/she taught me time management, compassion, goal setting, etc.” A potential candidate should point out positives and what they learned instead of trash-talking, no matter how hard they were to work for. The Bad – “They expected me to clean and they didn’t clean.” “She was _____ which is why I quit.” Any negative com ment about a previous employer should be a red flag, because remember: you, the interviewer, will one day also be their previous employer and you wouldn’t want them bad-mouthing you and or your company.
3. This job requires three key elements: cleaning, sales and a varied work schedule. Which of these things do you foresee as most challenging? The Good – Of course, we would like their answer to be “None of these are an issue!” I like this question because it bluntly explains the most common complaints about the job. A good answer would refer to the varied schedule, which would ideally be followed by “full open availability.” In most cases, they will need to plan around school or at least know their schedule in advance. The Bad – “I’m not good at sales” or “I don’t like to clean.” This (for me) is the deal-breaker! The job is to sell and if your staff are scared to talk to guests or too lazy to follow their cleaning lists, they’re probably not the right fit for your salon. 4. Can you take something out of your purse and sell it to me? *NOTE: I feel as though this single question can gauge whether a person can go off the cuff and sell with confi dence, or freeze up in sales situations.
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz
About the Author: As Director of Brand Development for Devoted Creations’ family of brands, Lisa brings 17 years of industry experience, knowledge and
enthusiasm to all aspects of the business, including social media, product development, training, customer relations, public speaking and marketing strategies. Lisa worked at the salon level managing a large chain of salons, which infuses her sales training and brand concepts with real world experience.
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Lisa has been chosen the IST Magazine “Person of the Year” five times.
Commit to Your Tan
February 2023
UK View
satisfaction and crucially retention; increased revenue through courses and lotion sales and also, of course very im portantly, staff retention. A well-trained and loyal team member is undoubtedly worth their weight in gold. So it is also essential that across all elements of our planning, we ensure we recognise the value of our team members and as far as is appropriate, include, engage, incentivise and reward them in the successful running of the business. One of the most well-known and successful retail chains in the UK is the John Lewis Partnership. Unusually, the business is owned by its employees via a trust and this is reflected in the struc tures in place for workplace democracy and an annual profit-share for all
By Gary Lipman
It feels as though it were only yesterday I was writing this col umn with a “Happy Holidays” message! And now here we are, rapidly striding toward our 2023 season! The last few months have turned out to have been somewhat of a frustrating time in the UK with a number of key worker sectors, including nurses for the first time ever, along with ambu lance drivers, train and bus drivers and border control officers taking industrial strike action over pay and working conditions. This level of industrial action had not been seen on such a scale since the 1970s when our then-Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, stood up to and defeated such militancy. As you would expect, there has been much media and public discussion and debate as to whether these recent strikes were indeed justified. For example, train drivers earn on average around 75 per cent more than the average UK annual salary. Understandably, a soaring rise in the cost of living and hikes in interest rates are having a real impact across the whole of the UK and for all workers. And one of the most impacted indus tries during the pandemic, the hospitali ty sector, recently warned that the strike action would cost that sector about $1.8 billion in lost sales. The knock-on effect
Our teams will always be integral to our success and our investment in them and our recognition of them will continue to reap dividends.
employees. ‘Never Knowingly Under sold’ was a cornerstone of the business until the dominance of online shopping, making pricing even more competitive (over two-thirds of its own sales are now online). However, the strong, established brand based on quality, service value and partnership along with the introduction of strategies that did not compromise the brand, are helping steer the company through turbulent times where unfortunately many, many others have failed. Our teams will always be integral to our success and our investment in them and our recognition of them will contin ue to reap dividends. ■
of industrial action is being felt far and wide, including to a certain extent in our own sector as some people had their Christmas work and social celebrations cancelled. A slower footfall, together with the ongoing impact of rocketing energy bills has seen tough decisions having to be made by some salon owners. Reduced opening hours, of course impacting staff income, and even some salon closures (fortunately, very few) are being reported. Which is perhaps why now more than ever at this time of year, it is important to ensure that during our traditional ‘quiet time’ we revisit every element of our business operations and make changes and adjustments that will help ensure we are more efficient, effective and hopefully profitable going forward. One, if not THE most important ele ment of tanning salon businesses is staff and staff training. We see time and time again the value of investment in staff training. From customer experience,
About the Author: In the tanning industry since 1982, Gary Lipman is Man aging Director of the UK sub sidary of Ergoline, and runs Ergoline Plus, the exclusive
distributor for a wide range of sunless products & spray systems. He is also Chairman of the UK’s Sunbed Association & a European Sunlight Asso ciation member.
February 2023
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