ist magazine September 2021

Salon of Distinction

A side from being the tanning industry’s premier training and certification program, Sun is Life ® offers a fantastic reward to salon operators who educate themselves and their teams, either in our classroom format or interactively with the internet version. Those who invest in SIL get the chance to be featured in IST Magazine as our Salon of Distinction! It al ways brings a smile to my face when I contact someone to tell them their salon has been selected – although, I usually have to explain that I’m not selling anything – as in this case with new Florida salon pro, Briana Roman. We had a great chat ... after I told her that I didn’t need a credit card to continue . AfterGlow T A N N I N G St. Petersburg, FL Just Getting Started!

IST: As a resident of the Metro-At lanta area, I like the connection of your start in the tan biz. Give our readers a bit of backstory. BR: I started in the tanning industry nine years ago in Atlanta and instantly fell in love with the job and the business. Over the years, tanning has become my passion. My mother Lora and I have al ways wanted to open our own salon and we were so thrilled to finally achieve that goal! She found this established facility in St. Petersburg and it was just perfect for us. It has been in business for seven years, but we bought it in May of 2021. IST: Operating a tanning facility in a sunny area like beautiful St. Pete must be challenging. How do you overcome this? BR: It IS a challenge! At times, it can be a little trying because it is always sunny here and the beach is right down the street. But we offer our guests more than just tanning. We consider them to be family and make sure we give the best service and education on products to help them achieve the best tanning

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September 2021

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