Washingtonia Digital Test W-ENT
GW-02 Général Washington Plaque circa 1777
Shurtleff-35; LBS-02.3
MHS size reduced
Obverse: Bust of Washington in uniform facing left. Général is engraved at left, Washington at right. The bust is in very high relief. Reverse: Blank Edge: Plain GW Metal Diameter Rulau R Notes: 02 mm 1/16 Fuld Bronze 108 68 A206 VR MHS; Metropolitan Museum of Art Very little is known of this portrait plaque, but it is clearly very early and of French origin. L. Bayard Smith believed it to be of French origin circa 1778 to 1781. At the time, he thought it might be unique. Today, it is believed that three or four are in existence. It is a companion to one executed of “Docteur Franklin,” also with engraved legends. All known examples show slight differences in the engraving. Rulau/Fuld describe one example mounted on soapstone and listed as B206 with an overall diameter of 105mm. The central medallion of the example at the Massachusetts Historical Society measures 82mm, while the outer rings are carefully soldered on, extending the diameter to 108mm. Possibly the example described by Rulau/Fuld at 105 mm is a typographical error, or the outer band is absent from that example. An example of the “Docteur Franklin” plaque exists in silver. No example of the “Général Washington” plaque in silver has been noted, but the possibility that one exists would seem logical.
The Early Medals: 1777 to 1858 • 7
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