Washingtonia Digital Test W-ENT

GW-01 The Warrior & Sage Medal circa 1777

Baker-78; Snowden-04; Appleton-03; Raymond-29; LBS-32.1 Shurtleff-41; Fisher-01


In 1885 Baker noted that just two silver examples were known, one in the collection of William Sumner Appleton, the other in the Imperial Museum at Vienna. Fuld listed four examples in 1999, including one he believed to be unique, struck on a thick planchet (5mm), in the collection of Dr. Irving N. Schuster, (R/F-78A). As of the date of this catalog, 2016, eight silver examples are known. Fuld also listed a silvered bronze example (R/F-78C), also ex-Schuster. The first notice of a white metal example was presented in Mason’s Coin and Stamp Collector’s Magazine, vol. 3, no. 7, July 1869, p. 77. Mason announced that he was in possession of the medal and sought information from readers on what they might know of its origin, but for some reason failed to reveal where or how he obtained it. The following year he sold it as lot 157 of the Fewsmith sale. There is an ugly cast lead example in the Massachusetts Historical Society collection, which could have been the Fewsmith/Mason example. Several other cast examples have been reported since. Obverse: A nude bust representing Washington facing right. Around the bust, G E . WASHINGTON E R . GENERAL OF THE CONTIN L . ARMY IN AMERICA • Reverse: Implements associated with an army including a cannon, drum, trumpet, flags, spears and cannon balls set against a field of rays. WASHIN. REUNIT PAR UN RARE ASSEMBLAGE • LES TALENS DU GUERRIER & LES VERTUS DU SAGE around the whole. Edge: Plain GW Metal Diameter Edge WeightRulau R Notes: 01 mm 1/16 mm grams Fuld Silver 39.91 25 3.08 33.7 78 VR Possibly 8 known - planchet thickness varies Bronze 40.5 25 3.13 22.8 78B R Lead 39.69 25 78D VR Although few, cast lead examples are still copies.

MHS - cast lead

6 • Medallic Washington

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