2022-2023 Wag-Aero Catalog
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n Flight Control Kit Code 8 Description
n Fuel System Kit Options Code 8 Description Fits Light-Sport Aircraft Category ** Call for pricing and availability
Cat. No. Price Rudder pedals, stick/socket assembly, control stick connector, control stick grips, torque tube, push-pull tube, elevator bellcrank, cables, pulleys, turnbuckles, thimbles. Includes materials to connect ailerons, elevators, stabilizers and rudder for the Sport Trainer, Super Sport Model or Acro Trainer Model. Controls Kit Q-011-000 $1,871.89 n Landing Gear Kit Options Code 8 MATERI AL KI T FOR 1-1/2” AXLES 1-1/2” axles, 1-1/2” axle nuts, slotted 3/4” tubing, drilled 5/8” solid rod, 4130 tubing, sheet steel, shock cords. Includes everything you need to construct the landing gear, shock strut, and cabane vee. Landing Gear Kit Q-006-000 ¨ $555.06 MATERI AL KI T FOR 1-1/4” AXLES Includes all materials listed in kit Cat. No. Q-006-000 shown above but includes 1-1/4” axles and axle nuts. Includes everything you need to construct the landing gear, shock strut and cabane vee. Landing Gear Kit Q-006-100 ¨ $512.40 FABRI CATED KI T FOR 1-1/2” AXLES Includes completed landing gear legs, shock struts, cabane vee, shock cord, with 1-1/2” axles. Ready to go! Fabricated Kit Q-006-999 ¨ ** L ANDING GEAR, DI E SPRING, CABANE VEE FABRI CATED KI T FOR 1-1/2” AXLES Includes landing gear left & right hand, cabane vee, 1-1/2” axle nuts and die spring shock strut. Fabricated Kit Q-006-888 ¨ $1,746.83 FABRI CATED KI T FOR 1-1/4” AXLES Includes all parts listed in kit Cat. No. Q-006-999 above but includes 1-1/4” axles. Fabricated Kit Q-006-199 ¨ $1,874.24 SPORT TRA I NER DI E SPRING, FABRI CATED Replace the bungee system with coil spring reliability and performance. Kit includes 2 springs, collar assemblies, 4130 tubing and AN hardware. M-222-101 pr. $678.42 n Engine Compartment Kits Code 8 LYCOMING ENG INE KI T Lycoming engine mount exhaust stacks LH/RH, muf fl er, muf fl er shroud, gascolator & bracket, cabin air box, carb air box. Designed for Lycoming engines up to 150 hp. All components are ready for installation. Q-015-100 $3,395.85 n Rib Kit Options Code 8 SPORT TRA I NER OPT ION All ribs T-section except L-section butt ribs. Includes: 2 Butt, 6 Full, 10 Aileron, 2 Inboard, 2 Outboard, 2 Wing Tip, 2 Wing Tip Nose, 20 Nose Ribs M-884-600 ** ACRO SPORT TRA INER OPT ION All ribs T-section except L-section butt ribs. Includes: 2 Butt, 4 Full, 16 Aileron, 2 Inboard, 2 Outboard, 2 Wing Tip, 2 Wing Tip Nose, 6 Nose Ribs SALE! While Supply Lasts! M-884-500 $2,100.00 ¨ Oversize shipping charges apply. † Shipped truck, prepayment required. **Call for pricing and availability .
Cat. No. Price FUSEL AGE FUEL SYSTEM FABRI CATED KI T 13 gal. fuselage tank, gas tank fl oat, fuel shut off valve, fi ller neck gasket, gas tank straps, drain fi ttings, materials for the basic Sport Trainer fuel system. Does not include fuel lines and fi ttings. Q-013-000 ¨ ** WING TANK FUEL SYSTEM FABRICATED KIT Left wing tank, right wing tank, header tank, fuel shut off valve, fi ller neck gaskets, drain fi ttings, provision for sight gauge, but not included. 26 gal. wing tank fuel system for the Sport Trainer. Does not include fuel lines and fi ttings. Metal Spar Kit Q-013-100 ¨ $2,360.40 Wood Spar Kit Q-013-200 ¨ $2,361.10 n Cowling, Fairing Kits Code 8 OPEN COWL ING/FA I RI NG FABRI CATED KI T Top cowl, bottom cowl, boot cowl, windshield strip, pulley covers, wing root fairings, top fairings, bottom fairings. Includes components required for cowlings and fairings. Fabricated Kit Q-009-000† $1,693.53 Fabricated Kit without holes Q-009-200† $1,644.23 n Covering Kit Code 8 POLY- F I BER KI T Kit includes all the materials required to cover your aircraft interior and exterior. Coverings available in regular fl at material. Kit includes paint through silver. Complete Kit Q-016-000 $3,642.55 n Basic Instrument Kit Code 8 The basic instruments you need to equip your aircraft: 2-1/4” panel mount compass, tachometer KT-9, tachometer cable, 30”, 0-120 airspeed, 0-20,000’ altimeter, oil pressure gauge, oil temperature gauge. Lycoming Q-017-100 $1,001.65 Continental Q-017-000 $1,048.60 n Door, Windshield, Window Kit Options Code 8 FABRI CATED KI T Window set, windshield, upper/lower door (uncovered). All parts completely fabricated and ready for installation. Sport Trainer Kit Q-010-000 $978.00 Super Sport Kit Q-010-200 $827.29 n Cockpit, Interior Kit Code 8 Blank Instrument panel, baggage compartment, seatbelts/shoulder harnesses, seat slings, seat cushions, brake pedals, fl oor boards, ignition switch, throttle controls, throttle inner connect, throttle cable, cabin heat control, carb. heat control, carb. heat fairing. Includes parts to complete the interior of the Super Sport or the Sport Trainer models. Contains materials to complete the seat assemblies. Cockpit & Interior Kit Q-007-000 ** n Tail Group Kit Options Code 8 TA I L GROUP MATERI AL KI TS Includes: Formed leading edge & trailing edge tubes, formed ribs, doublers, bushings, control horns, hinges and braces. Just fi nal fi tting and welding required. Balanced Tail Group Kit Q-025-100 ¨ ** n Wheel Kits Code 8 6.00 X 6 KI T WI TH 1-1/2” AXLES Grove wheels & brakes. Includes Maule super soft tailwheel and 2 each: 6.00 x 6-4ply tires w/tubes and a 1-1/4” tailspring. Wheel Kit Q-012-100 ¨ $3,325.89 6.00 X 6 KI T WI TH 1-1/4” AXLES Grove wheels & brakes. Includes Maule super soft tailwheel and 2 each: 6.00 x 6-4ply tires w/tubes and a 1-1/4” tailspring. Wheel Kit Q-012-200 ¨ $3,305.89
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