2022-2023 Wag-Aero Catalog
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n Sport Trainer Drawings Code 7 Description
Cat. No.
A replica of the classic J-3 Cub with numerous design improvements; higher gross, more baggage area, and increased cruise speed. 15 pages of engineered construction drawings, including full scale wing rib patterns for convenient assembly of the Sport Trainer. Acro Sport Trainer Supplemental Drawings For the special shortened-wing version - the ideal aerobatic trainer. Revised rib spacing, larger fi ttings, and wing strut change all shown on the supplementary engineered drawings. Observer & Super Sport Supplemental Drawings Includes revisions when using Sport Trainer drawing to build a replica of the Piper L-4 Observer. Also contains the revision to modify the Sport Trainer to accept up to 150 hp Lyc. engines. Sport Trainer Fuel & Electric Supplemental Drawings Provides typical electrical system schematic and alternate fuel system utilizing wing tanks and header tank, when using Cat. No. Q-001 000 drawings. Sport Trainer Rib Drawings #14 & #15 are sheets from the main set of drawings (Cat. No. Q-001-000).
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n Code 8 JURY & L I FT STRUT MATERI AL KI T 4130 Streamline tubing for front strut, rear strut & jury strut, sheet steel, strut barrels, strap material. Includes everything you need to construct both front and rear lift struts and the jury strut. Strut forks are included. Q-003-000† ** FABRI CATED JURY & L I FT STRUT KI T 4130 Streamline tubing for 2 front lift struts, 2 rear lift struts, 2 front jury struts, 2 rear jury struts, 2 jury strut inner connects, jury strut clamp sets, 1 pitot tube. Completed units ready for installation. Strut forks are included. Q-003-999† ** ACRO SPORT TRA INER JURY & L I FT STRUT MATERI AL S KI T 4130 Streamline tubing for front strut, rear strut & jury strut, sheet steel, strut barrels, strap material. Includes everything you need to construct both front & rear lift struts and the jury strut for the Acro Trainer version. Strut forks are included. Q-003-100† ** ** Call for pricing and availability
n Fuselage Kit Options Code 8
Performance Speci fi cations with Continental Engine A-65-8 65 h.p. Wing Span 35 ft. 2.5 in. Length 22 ft. 4.5 in. Height 6 ft. 8 in. Wing Area 178.5 sq. ft. Wing Chord 5 ft. 3 in. Empty Weight 680 lbs. Useful Load 540 lbs. Gross Weight 1,220 lbs. Fuel Capacity 12 US gal. Fuel Consumption 4.08 gal per hr. Top Speed 102 m.p.h. Cruising Speed 85 m.p.h. Stalling Speed 38 m.p.h. Rate of Climb 450 ft. per minute
SPORT TRA I NER FUSEL AGE materials kit includes these fabricated components: Stabilizer attach brackets,
stringer attach brackets, throttle attach brackets, ELT mounting plate, mag switch plate, rear window frames, torque tube bracket assy., fl oorboard attach brackets, rudder pedal clamps, jack screw pedestal, aileron cable guards,
landing gear attach fi ttings, front window supports, front window inside fairing, tail spring attach bracket, tail wire fi ttings, elevator bell crank mounts, elevator horn insp. plate, stringer attach clips, wood stringer kit, fuselage step, fi nish welded birdcage and fuselage handle. Description Cat. No. Price MATERI AL S KI T AL SO INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: 4130 chromoloy tubing, and channeling to construct the fuselage. Sport Trainer Kit Q-005-000† $3,552.40
Cruising Range 220 miles Service Ceiling 11,500 ft.
¨ Oversize shipping charges apply. † Shipped truck, prepayment required.
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