VYPE Goose Creek August 2022

Water Polo

JUMPING IN! B AY T OWN S T E R L I N G R E A D Y F O R F I R S T U I L S E A S O N O F WAT E R P O L O \\ By J o s h u a Ko c h

Baytown Sterling’s Kaleb Brownlee, Stephanie Miranda, Aaron Avant, Cooper Moore, Nautica Chapman and Sebastian Kingston

wants to be the leader the Rangers need. “I want to learn more about [being a leader] and grow more as a person and as a leader,” she said. “Be more competitive and try our best .” The goal for the season is, of course, winning games and advancing in the UIL playoffs come October. “I really like being competitive,” Miranda said about what she likes about water polo. “I also like getting in the water and getting real physical with people. When you score you get the emotion.” So, be sure to go check out the UIL’s newest sport this fall – in the pool.


PLAYED IN THE FALL AND UNDER THE UMBRELLA OF THE UIL. Both are new for a sport that has played for years under TISCA and a program that has brought home titles in the past and looking for its first UIL banners is Baytown Sterling. The Rangers will field a boys and girls team this upcoming season. “I’m excited,” Stephanie Miranda said. “I really hope that we can win. I’m hoping that more girls get into the game.” Miranda enters her senior season as the team captain of the girls squad. Entering this year, Miranda

Aaron Avant, Baytown Sterling

Nautica Chapman, Baytown Sterling

g c c i s d . n e t / / A U G 2022 / / G O O S E C R E E K C I S D / / 7

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