Congratulations to VMA’s Membership Award Winners VMA 2023 Membership Awards recognize deserv ing individuals each year. This year, the awardees are Ron Warren of Bray International and Nathan Brunell of Baker Hughes.
With Over 200 actuator mounting kits available (rotary and linear). Don’t reorder—REPLACE with a VAC Positioner. • Custom designed kits for specialty applications • Universal approach to mounting to facilitate standardization and simplification. • VAC provides you with current designs and competitive cost choices including: - Electropneumatic positioners - Pneumatic positioners - Digital positioners VMA was honored to present Ron Warren with the distinguished Person of the Year Award. This award is VMA’s highest honor and is given to one individual each year. The winner possesses a passion for the industry and shares their knowledge with others to help advance VMA and the industry at large. Through his leadership this past year and over the past years, Ron has been instrumental in guiding VMA through a number of changes to benefit our members, including the focus on government affairs activities. VMA’s Service Award recognizes individuals who provided outstanding service, expertise and guidance while partici pating on a committee or to VMA in another way. Nathan Brunell was recognized for his contributions over the year and in his support of others from Baker Hughes working on VMA Committees, including the newly formed PFAS Task Group. “VMA is comprised of so many members who are the backbone of the association. We exist to serve our member companies and the growth and innovation of the U.S. and Canadian industrial valve industry globally. We could not do VALVE ACCESSORIES & CONTROLS
Images: Bud Johnson
Nathan Brunell
Ron Warren
that without the exceptional efforts of individuals like Ron and Nathan, and are honored to have them helping to lead the Association,” says Heather Rhoderick, VMA’s president. VMA SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS ANNOUNCED The 2023 VMA William Sandler Scholarship Winners are
official. Congratulations to the following students whose parents or guardians work for a VMA or VRC member company, and who are studying topics related to STEM and our industry. Each will receive $1,000 toward their studies. Lucy Dunn – She is attend ing Tennessee Tech University and studying computer and electrical engineering. Her father, Jody Dunn, works for Quality Valve. Jacob Mizer – He is attend ing Ohio University and is study ing mechanical engineering. His father, Craig Mizer, works at AUMA Actuators. Daniel Triah – He is attend ing Texas A&M and is studying computer engineering. His mother, Shitzuka Mita, works for KITZ Corporation of America. Scholarship applications for 2024 will open in November 2023 and close in March 2024. Visit for more information.
Lucy Dunn
Jacob Mizer
• VAC positioners are simple and rugged , all with aluminum housing and quality components.
VALVE ACCESSORIES & CONTROLS, INC. 200 Jade Park, Chelsea, Alabama 35043 • TEL: 205.678.0507 VACACCESSORIES.COM
Daniel Triah
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