strategies to engage employees in these crucial efforts. Future-Focused Leadership: The event concluded with Todd Hirsch providing futurist insights on various issues discussed throughout the meeting, including workforce challenges. Attendees left with practical tools to navigate the dynamic forces of the economy, geopolitics and evolving societal trends. The 85th VMA Annual Meeting provided a rich array of subjects, empowering industry leaders with knowledge and strategies to tackle upcoming challenges. In addition to the

formal sessions, a number of networking and social activities ensured attendees had time to build relationships with their industry peers. The VMA and VRC take pride in offering this invaluable platform to its members. Looking ahead, VMA and VRC members should mark their calendars for the 86th Annu al Meeting, scheduled for October 2-4, 2024, in Park City, Utah. As the VMA continues to collaborate with industry leaders and drive innovation in the industrial valve manufac turing sector, the future of the valve industry promises to be a dynamic and promising journey.

VMA Establishes Sustainability Statement VMA’s Board of Directors approved a sustainability message for the VMA which will help to guide the organization as it develops tool kits and guidance for members working on their own sustainable initiatives. The full message, along with examples and links to information on how member companies are addressing sustainability efforts, can be found on the VMA website. A shortened statement is below. “VMA member companies recognize the importance of high lighting their own sustainability efforts to help provide a high quality of life for current and future generations,”

VMA and its member companies recognize the challenges facing our society today, including climate change, meeting energy needs, economic security, and a healthy and safe quality of life for all. The products our members produce contribute to creating a more sustainable environment for all stakeholders. From fostering GHG emission reductions as societies work toward Net Zero targets to optimizing oper ations in support of sustainable manufacturing practices, valve products play a crucial role regardless of market sector. Photo Credit: Getty Images *Photo Path: P:\creative\brand\vm\2023-vm\hi-res\capitol hill-valves-2.png

says Heather Rhoderick. “VMA’s Sus tainability Committee will help to guide VMA and our members through out this effort with tools and information.” Check out the full message, along with examples and links to information on how member companies are addressing sustainability efforts at SUSTAINABILITY MESSAGE The industrial valve industry is dynamic, innovative, vibrant and responsible. VMA member companies play a vital role in the production of products essential to improving the quality of life of the public and pro tecting the planet. VMA members pro vide essential products that support energy, health, water and wastewater, food and beverage, construction and many other industries that are a part of the modern world.




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