Using InDesign Manual 2025
USING PDF BUILDER Note: To do all exercises, the Walsworth Enhancements from Support Download must be installed on each workstation, and the Using InDesign Activities folder must be copied to your desktop from Support Download. PDF Builder will allow you to create verified PDF files for submission by checking your pages for common document, font, image and color issues. Learn to use this Enhancement to speed submission. Practice starting PDF Builder and checking for issues in your page files. 1. Make sure all files are closed.
2. Open the file 054-055_PDF.indd in the Using InDesign > Lesson 5 > PDF Builder folder located on your desktop. 3. Make sure all images on the file are linked, and re-link to the images in the 054- 055_ PDF.PIX folder if necessary. 4. Save the file. 5. Launch PDF Builder by either clicking the PDF Builder button on the Control Center. 6. In the PDF Export window that opens, click the radio buttons to select a particular range of pages to PDF. Select pages 54, 55.
7. PDF Builder will scan the document to find any issues and will issue a report for you to view. Click the Create Report button to read the details. Practice reviewing and clearing issues on your pages. 1. Review the issues listed on your PDF Report. { Font Information – A font has been used that isn’t available. You can replace it with AWPCHelvetica. { Image Information – Several images issues are reported. You will need to fix the out-of-proportion images and re-link the missing images. 2. To clear these issues, you will need to return to the 054-055_PDF.indd file and make the corrections. 3. Run PDF Builder again to check the file. If the document contains no errors or warnings, click the Create PDFs button. Your PDF is now ready to be submitted to Walsworth instantly online via Yearbook 360.
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