Using InDesign Manual 2025

Practice assigning Parent (Master) Pages. 1. Open the lesson file L4X3A.indd located in the Using InDesign > Lesson 4 folder on your desktop. 2. Go to Window > Pages to open the Pages palette. Notice this document has three different parent pages — A, B and C. 3. Double-click on all three masters to navigate to them and see their contents. 4. Notice the icons for B–Parent and C-Parent in the Pages palette. With these icons are B-Master shows A|A and C-Parent shows B|B . This means that these masters are based on the Parent Page indicated by the letter. Page icons also have a letter, which associates them with the assigned parent. 5. Drag the word C-Parent on top of the page icons for pages 8 and 9. This assigns the master to those pages. Since the C-Parent is based on B, and B is based on A, then any page using the C-Parent also will include the elements in A and B. Practice overriding Parent (Master) Page elements. 1. Navigate to pages 8-9 in the document. 2. Hold down Ctrl + Shift (Windows) or Command + Shift (Mac) and click on the background of the page spread. This overrides the element and brings it to the front. 3. Delete the background element. Your layout should now appear as a plain white spread. 4. Restore the background color by clicking on the Pages palette menu and choosing Remove All Local Overrides . 5. Close the file without saving.

Photo by Katherine Severin


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