Using InDesign Manual 2025

WORKING WITH RULERS AND GUIDES Note: To do all exercises, the Walsworth Enhancements from Support Download must be installed on each workstation, and the Using InDesign Activities folder must be copied to your desktop from Support Download. Rulers and guides help you align items on a page. To start, open a blank spread by pressing the New Spread button on the Control Center. Leave the page range at 2-3 , and click OK . Set the page color to Four Color on both pages, click on Apply Color Information , then click Cancel . Practice setting column guides. 1. Select Layout > Margins and Columns . Margins should not be changed on the Walsworth template. 2. Check the Preview box so you can see your changes. 3. Set the Number of Columns to 4 and verify the gutter is 1p0 pica. 4. Click OK . You should see four columns on both pages. Practice setting horizontal guides. 1. Select Layout > Create Guides . This will

allow you to bring in horizontal guides spaced evenly down the page like your column guides. 2. Set the number of rows to 4 and verify the gutter is 1p0 pica.

3. Under the Options section, select Fit Guides to Margins . 4. Click OK . You should see four primary rows on each page. Practice setting up ruler guides. 1. Move your cursor over the horizontal ruler at the top of the right page of the spread.

2. Click and drag a ruler guide out of the ruler to the 14th pica. Hold down the Shift key to snap to the pica ruler while dragging. Keep an eye on the Y-coordinate so you know when you are on the 14th pica. 3. Release the mouse button. Notice that the page guide only appears on the right page. 4. Click and drag on the vertical ruler on the left to move a guide to the 26th pica on the left page. 5. To clear the guides, press Ctrl + ; (Control key plus the semi-colon key).

Photo by Jessica Morrow


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