Using InDesign Manual 2025

WORKING WITH SWATCHES AND COLOR Note: To do all exercises, the Walsworth Enhancements from Support Download must be installed on each workstation, and the Using InDesign Activities folder must be copied to your desktop from Support Download. Four color — or all color — are terms that refer to full color printing using the four ink colors C yan, M agenta, Y ellow and blac K ( CMYK ). To practice the various tasks using color, start at the InDesign desktop, locate the Walsworth Control Center and find the New Spread button. Practice using the Color Information plug in to specify color for your pages. 1. Open a new spread. 2. Leave the page

3. Select the headline by clicking on it with the Selection tool. 4. With the Swatches

palette open (Window > Swatches) , click on the color you wish to apply to the headline. The element will appear in the color you have applied. 5. If you only want the first letter in each word to have a different color, use the Type tool to highlight that one letter. 6. Apply the color desired.

7. Place a piece of grayscale or line art from the Using InDesign > Lesson 2 > ClikArt folder on your desktop. 8. Select the element by clicking on it with the Direct Selection tool. 9. With the Swatches palette open ( Windows > Swatches ), click on the color you wish to apply to the clip art. The element will appear in the color you have applied. Practice applying the colors and tints to the fill and stroke of page elements. 1. Using the Rectangle tool, draw a square on your page. 2. Open or select the Swatches palette. 3. Select the box and then click the Stroke at the top of the Swatches palette. This will apply the color only to the border. 4. Click the color you wish to apply. 5. Select the box again, and then click to select the Fill at the top of the Swatches palette. This will apply the color only to the inside of the element. 6. Click on a different color you wish to apply. 7. Follow the same instructions to apply color to either the fill or stroke of text, but click the Text Formatting (T) button at the top of the Swatches palette. 8. Apply a fill and stroke to the headline you created. 9. To apply a tint to a color, click on the rectangle you created above. 10. 10. Use the percentage drop-down menu at the top of the Swatches palette to select the percentage of color you wish to apply. 11. Click File > Save As > Color.indd and save it to the Using InDesign > Lesson 2 folder on your desktop.

range numbers 2-3 in the Modify Page Range dialog. Do not uncheck the Maintain document length button.

3. Make the spread a four-color spread. 4. Select Apply Color Information and Apply Changes .

5. When prompted to save, click Cancel. 6. Click the Color Information button on the Control Center. 7. Click the +Formula check box to open the Color Selector. To see the color chart, click on View Swatches . Make note of the Formula Color numbers you might want to add to your color selection list. 8. When the Color Selector dialog opens, click to check the Formula Color(s) you wish to use; or, you may select F0200, F0700, F1500, F3350, F4000, F4500, F4860 and F4900 for this exercise. 9. Click Apply Chosen Color(s) . 10. Once your colors are chosen, click Apply Color Information . Your colors will be added to the Swatches palette Practice applying color to page elements. 1. On your page, create a text frame and type the headline, “Working Hard at the Salt Mines.” 2. Select AWPCClarenceBold from the fonts list. Make the size 36 point.


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