Using InDesign Manual 2025

WORKING WITH TEXT AND FRAMES Note: To do all exercises, the Walsworth Enhancements from Support Download must be installed on each workstation, and the Using InDesign Activities folder must be copied to your desktop from Support Download. With InDesign, copy can be created right on the page, or brought in from another document.

Practice editing text on the page. 1. Open the file named L2X4A.indd located in the Using InDesign > Lesson 2 > InDesign folder on your desktop (x is your InDesign version). 2. Choose the Type tool from the Toolbox. 3. Click the I-beam cursor on your page and highlight the words “HEADLINE TEXT” in the headline text frame. 4. Type in a different headline, such as “We Are the Champions!” 5. Locate the Character control in the Control Panel. 6. Change the font to AWPCHelvetica. Practice creating text frames. 1. Using the Type tool, click and drag to create a text frame underneath the headline text frame. 2. Click within your new frame and type the subheading, “Yearbook with a little dose of me.” 3. Highlight the subhead text; change the font to AWPCTimesItalic and the size to 18. 4. When finished, click the Preview button on the Toolbox to see the type without frames. After seeing this, go back to normal mode. Practice adding placeholder text. 5. Locate the purple oval on the page spread. 6. Using the Type tool, click within the oval shape to convert it to a text frame. 7. From the menu, choose Type > Fill with Placeholder Text ; or right-click in the oval frame and select Fill with Placeholder Text from the alternate menu.

Practice flowing overset text into another text frame. 1. Locate the square text frame with the “Lorem Ipsom” filler text inside. 2. Choose the Selection tool from the Toolbox . 3. Find and click on the small red plus sign at the bottom right of the text frame. 4. As you move the mouse, notice the cursor has changed to a loaded text cursor. 5. Hover over the empty text frame to the right. When you see the chain link, click in that frame. Linked text has now flowed into the new frame. 6. Click the red plus sign on the new text frame. With the loaded cursor, click and drag to draw a text frame on the last column. 7. When the column is created, remaining text will flow into it. 8. Using the Selection tool, adjust the size of the third column to reveal all overset text. 9. Click on File > Save As > TextFrames.indd and save it to the Using InDesign > Lesson 2 folder on your desktop.


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