Using InDesign Manual 2025

WORKING WITH SHAPES Note: To do all exercises, the Walsworth Enhancements from Support Download must be installed on each workstation, and the Using InDesign Activities folder must be copied to your desktop from Support Download. Shapes can be as simple as rectangles or as fancy as stars. Use the tools in InDesign to create them or to draw your own and adjust them.

Practice Drawing Shapes 1. Open the file named L2X3A.indd located in the Using InDesign > Lesson 2 > InDesign folder on your desktop. 2. Select the Rectangle, Elipse or Polygon tools from the InDesign Toolbox. 3. On the right page, draw all of the shapes the same way they look on the left page. Practice Creating and Deleting Other Shapes 1. Draw some original shapes, then copy and paste them. 2. Holding down the Alt key (Windows) or Alt Option key (Mac), drag a shape and see how it automatically copies it. 3. Delete one or more shapes by selecting one and pressing the Delete key. 4. Press Ctrl + Z (Windows) or Command + Z (Mac) to undo the last step. Align shapes. manual adjustments. To use the guides, click and hold the arrow on the horizontal or vertical rulers and drag down or over on the page. 3. Go to View > Grid & Guides and make sure Snap to Guides is turned on. 4. Drag objects close to the guides until they snap to them. 5. To nudge an object into position, simply select the object and use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move them in the direction desired. 6. Click File > Save As > Shapes.indd and save it to the Using InDesign > Lesson 2 folder 1. Open the Align palette by choosing Window > Object & Layout > Align and practice selecting various objects and aligning them. 2. Use guides to help provide a reference point for

Photo by Krystal Thompson


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