University of Denver Spring/Summer 2023

Contents Spring/Summer 2023 FEATURES 18 Fast Fashion’s Dirty Laundry 303.871.2776 Volume 23, Issue 3

Executive Editor Renea Morris

From environmental destruction to harmful labor practices, DU experts agree that we pay a high price for cheap clothes

Managing Editor Tamara Chapman

24 DU on the Bench

Art Director Jeff Lukes

Across Colorado, Sturm College of Law graduates are shaping the judiciary with a focus on serving the public good

Senior Editor Heather Hein

30 The Powerful Pioneers DU’s women’s teams savor a year of achievements

Contributing Writers Nika Anschuetz Emma Atkinson Janette Ballard Matt Meyer Connor Mokrzycki Jon Stone Designers Kari Burns Brooke Harman Production Designer Todd Fisher Photographer Wayne Armstrong


6 Campus Update 10 Athletics 12 Arts 14 Academics 16 Books 33 Alumni Connections

DIGITAL EXCLUSIVES @ Don’t miss: The art of memoir: Writers from all walks of life explore and share their lived experiences One to Watch: Campus leader Abbie McAdams cofounded a nonprofit to destigmatize menstruation That band you’re listening to might just have DU DNA Denver 101: University Boulevard meets the collegiate streets

On the cover: Colorado Supreme Court Justice Carlos Samour Jr. (JD ’90)

Photo. by Wayne Armstrong

The University of Denver Magazine is published four times a year (fall, winter, spring and summer) by the University of Denver, Division of Marketing and Communications, 2199 S. University Blvd., Denver, CO 80208-4816. The University of Denver (Colorado Seminary) is an Equal Opportunity Institution.

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Photo by Jack Dempsey, Clarkson Creative


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