The Process Manual

Text tool This InDesign tool is used to select text for editing and to draw text frames. Text wrap The term describing type set to fit around a picture or other element of the design. Thumbnail A smaller representation of something, such as a view of a page or a digital image. TIFF An acronym for Tag Image File Format, a digital image format. Tile An InDesign menu command that arranges every open InDesign document so it shows in a separate window on your monitor. Tint A shade of a solid color. Toggle To switch back and forth between two things. Tools palette An InDesign palette that contains all tools for drawing and manipulating page elements. Tracking In typesetting, the adjustment of white space between selected characters and words. Transparency The Transparency palette in InDesign is used to alter the opacity of a page element. TrueType A type of font characterized by needing only one file for both printing and display. Type style A predefined set of type characteristics that can be created and applied to type using the Styles palette. This term can also be used to refer to different visible characteristics of type, as in the Type > Type Styles menu. See the Stylized font entry for more information on these types of styles. Type tool This InDesign tool is used to select text for editing and to draw text frames. Unavailable font Any font used on the page but not installed on the computer on which the document is opened. Unsupported color space The colorspace of any images not accepted by Walsworth. An example is indexed color. Unsupported file format Any graphic file format not accepted by Walsworth. See the Working With Graphics section of the Creating section of this manual for a list of unsupported file formats.



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