The Process Manual

Save as A type of document save that allows you to rename your file. Save as rebuilds the file from scratch. Scale tool An InDesign tool that allows you to resize objects. Scaling Refers to how images are manipulated once they are placed on the page. For example, if you place a 225 dpi image on your page and then enlarge it more than 150%, the image will no longer have sufficient resolution for proper printing. Scissors tool An InDesign tool that allows you to cut a path. Section A part of the yearbook. Typical sections include student life, academics, sports, clubs and activities and people. Selection tool An arrow on the screen that moves as the mouse is moved. Use the Selection tool to choose commands, move data and draw objects. Send To Back An InDesign function that sends a layered item to the bottommost layer. Serif Typefaces that have small additional finishing cross strokes placed at the end of the main strokes of a letter. Set Defaults A Walsworth plug-in to InDesign that returns a document to the original defaults recommended for yearbook production. Shear tool An InDesign tool that allows you to skew page elements. Shortcut A shortcut to a Windows file that can be created on the desktop or in another convenient place for easy access to a file. Make sure you do not get confused and try to submit shortcut files. They are usually identifiable by an arrow on the icon or the words “Shortcut to” in the file name. Sidebar A short story that accompanies a larger story. Signature The name given to a sheet folded and trimmed to create 16 pages. Skew In typesetting, setting an image or text at an angle. SLR Short for single-lens reflex: describes a traditional camera with manual settings.

Times is a serif font.

Shortcut and non-shortcut file



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