The Power of Connections


Electric co-ops belong to the members they serve. Decisions made benefit those in the community because co-op business is conducted through a locally elected board of directors who propose policies to be voted on by members. Kevin Hurd had his finger on the pulse of CREC member needs for more than thirty-six years. Hired as a marketing specialist in 1985, his first job involved meeting with potential members and individuals building new homes to help educate them on energy efficiency. “When I first started, we had a great number of members who came to the co-op for what they would consider neutral, unbiased information on heating and cooling equipment, windows, insulation techniques, and better managing their energy use and costs,” says Hurd, who served as manager of administrative services until his retirement in August 2021. In recent years, the proliferation of HVAC contractors, home improvement TV programs, and online resources have shifted the focus of members to issues of reliability and exceptional service. “Members expect more, and that constantly challenges us to raise the level of service and continue to find ways to serve them better,” he states.

Kevin Hurd, who retired in 2021, served the co-op for more than thirty-six years. Photo from Lyle Whitworth Photography

CREC’s outage map, available both on the co-op website and the MyCuivre app, helps provide information to members when an outage occurs.

42 Cuivre River Electric Cooperative

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