The Oklahoma Bar Journal May 2024
the first-place art and writing contest winners and the annual Ask A Lawyer event on May 1. He noted the committee is form ing new partnerships with the Access to Justice Committee and the OBA Leadership Academy to handle calls and emails to the Ask A Lawyer public hotline. Governor Locke reported the Membership Engagement/Member Services Committee recently met and is working to connect with the TU College of Law to build relation ships with law students interested in practicing as OBA members. Governor Thurman reported the Civil Procedure and Evidence Code Committee is working on topics related to e-filing. FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS FOR DUES INCREASE The board reviewed assumed future anticipated operational expenses and necessary capital expenditures and the impact on revenue. They also looked at dues costs for other comparably sized bar associations and discussed var ious options. The board approved a motion to present and recom mend a dues increase of $125 to the House of Delegates. A notice of the proposal will be published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal , and a public hearing will be scheduled. CREATING A SUBCOMMITTEE ON FORMS FOR THE ACCESS TO JUSTICE COMMITTEE The board discussed recently passed legislation directing the OBA to create certain publicly available legal forms, the cre ation of which requires a range of subject matter expertise. They approved a motion to create a subcommittee of the Access to Justice Committee to provide a single point of contact to efficiently oversee this work in progress.
Knott reported she attended the Canadian County Bar Association meeting. Governor Locke reported he attended the Membership Engagement Committee meeting and the Muskogee County Bar Association meeting. Governor Oldfield reported he had discus sions with the Legal Internship Committee chair and received and reviewed questions from the Legal Internship Committee. Governor Thurman reported he attended a meeting with Pontotoc County Bar Association officers and attended the Drug Court participant gradua tion. He also attended the Pontotoc County Bar Association meeting and social hour and the Civil Procedure and Evidence Code Committee meeting. A written report of PRC actions and OBA disciplinary matters for the month was submitted to the board for its review. BOARD LIAISON REPORTS Governor Oldfield reported the Legal Internship Committee is discussing a possible rule change. Governor Barbush reported the Cannabis Law Committee and the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee are both regularly meeting. Governor Ailles Bahm also said the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee is continuing its discussion related to partnership with the LHL Foundation, and a fundraiser is being planned for this fall. Governor Conner reported the Awards Committee is meet ing April 5 to determine annual OBA Awards recommendations. Governor Hixon reported the Law Day Committee is gearing up for its annual Law Day activities, including the April 4 ceremony at the Supreme Court to recognize REPORT OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL
The board passed motions to approve the following appointments. Committee on Judicial Elections: President Pringle appoints William Hoch, Oklahoma City, to a term that began Jan. 1, 2024, and expires Dec. 31, 2031. Domestic Violence Review Board: President Pringle proposes to submit the three names of Julie L. Goree, Tulsa; Laura McConnell Corbyn, Oklahoma City; and Allyson Dow, Oklahoma City, to the Oklahoma attorney general as suggestions for appointment to a term that runs July 2024 to June 2026. Professional Responsibility Tribunal (PRT): President Pringle reappoints Greg Mashburn, Norman, and Lane R. Neal, Oklahoma City, to terms beginning July 1, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2024. REPORT ON LEGISLATIVE SESSION The board received a report on the status of current legislative dead lines. The presentation included an update on the status of SJR 34, legislation that pertains to dis mantling the Judicial Nominating Commission. A suggestion was put forward that OBA members should be encouraged at this time to reach out to legislators at the grassroots level to express their concerns about changing the method of judicial selection in Oklahoma. The board passed a motion to approve the cre ation, publication and distribution of materials related to the Board of Governors’ opposition to SJR 34. The Board of Governors met in April, and a summary of those actions will be published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal once the min utes are approved. The next board meeting will be held virtually on Friday, May 24. NEXT BOARD MEETING
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