The Oklahoma Bar Journal May 2024
legislative breakfasts. He also par ticipated in OBA litigation issues and spoke at several events about the importance of the Judicial Nominating Commission. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Governor Ailles Bahm reported she attended the Legislative Monitoring Committee meeting, where they finalized plans for OBA Day at the Capitol and the Legislative Debrief, which will take place at the Annual Meeting. She attended OBA Day at the Capitol and the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee meeting. Governor Barbush reported he agreed to volunteer at an expungement clinic hosted by Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma and other nonprofits in Durant to assist people with their employ ment and housing issues, with the first hour dedicated to veterans. He met with the Bryan County Bar Association president, began work ing on the Southeastern Oklahoma Summit, made an appointment with the House of Representatives for a meeting during OBA Day at the Capitol and attended OBA Day at the Capitol. Governor Bracken reported he attended the Legislative Monitoring Committee meeting, the Oklahoma Bar Foundation Board of Trustees meeting and the Oklahoma County Bar Association Board of Directors meeting. Governor Conner reported he attended the Garfield County Bar Association meeting. Governor Dow reported she attended the Mary Abbott Children’s House Board of Directors meeting and the Family Law Section meeting. Governor Hixon reported he attended the Board of Governors orientation session and participated in the Law Day Committee meetings and the Tulsa County Bar Association’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings. Governor
REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Executive Director Johnson reported she handled numer ous legislative matters as well as building and facilities matters, continued 2024 and 2025 Annual Meeting planning meetings, attended the OU College of Law Professionalism Night, discussed CLE opportunities with Chief Justice Kane and Justice Kuehn and met with President Pringle and Access to Justice Foundation Executive Director Dilks on numerous public forms projects. She attended a Licensed Legal Intern hearing and meeting, a strategic planning meeting with President Pringle, President-Elect Williams and the OBA’s strategic planning facilitator Marcy Cottle to plan out the year, the Legislative Monitoring Committee meeting and the ABA Bar Leadership Institute conference in Chicago. She worked on an Oklahoma Bar Journal article, discussed CLE programs with President Pringle and Animal Law Section Co-Chair Charis Ward, met with the Oklahoma High School Mock Trial Coordinator Judy Spencer and attended the Appellate Practice REPORT OF THE IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Past President Hermanson reported he attended the Board of Governors orientation session, gave the welcoming speech at the Victim Compensation Training/ Tribal Round Table and had dis cussions with President Pringle on various OBA issues. He attended the District Attorneys Council Board and Technology Committee meetings, the Oklahoma District Attorneys Association board meeting and the Tonkawa and Blackwell chambers of commerce Section CLE on the Judicial Nominating Commission.
Monitoring Committee meeting, filmed an episode of The Verdict with Kent Meyers and Mick Cornett, met with the Oklahoma Access to Justice Foundation Executive Director Katie Dilks regarding OBA form drafting projects and met with the co-chair of the Animal Law Section. President-Elect Williams reported he participated in the final practice session for the Inns of Court Pupillage Group pre sentation, attended an Oklahoma Bar Foundation Board of Trustees meeting, met with President Pringle to work on the OBA stra tegic planning process and repre sented the OBA at the Oklahoma High School Mock Trial finals at the OU College of Law. He virtu ally participated in the ABA Bar Leadership Institute preparatory session and attended the three-day event in Chicago, testified in an OBA Professional Responsibility Tribunal proceeding and virtually participated in the OBA strategic planning process with President Pringle, Executive Director Johnson and facilitator Marcy Cottle. He also virtually participated in the Legislative Monitoring Committee meeting, met with Executive Director Johnson to work on remote Board of Governors meet ings for 2025 and participated in the Tulsa County Bar Foundation Charity Golf Tournament and OBA Day at the Capitol. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT-ELECT
Vice President Peckio reported she attended a meeting of the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee and the Tulsa County Bar Foundation Charity Golf Tournament.
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