The Oklahoma Bar Journal December 2023
B ench & B ar B riefs
ON THE MOVE Jeff Love has been named partner at the Oklahoma City law firm of Rosell & Love PLLC. He has prac ticed at the firm for four years. Russell C. Lissuzzo has joined the Oklahoma City law firm of Chansolme Harroz Hays as an associate attorney. He practices in the areas of resolution of business and commercial litigation, includ ing disputes among shareholders of small businesses and closely held corporations before state and federal courts, as well as repre senting clients in litigation regard ing liability defense, negligence and tort defense, professional neg ligence, product liability defense and trust and estate litigation. Grant A. Fitz has joined the Tulsa office of GableGotwals as a share holder. He has more than 15 years of experience representing clients in state and federal courts in the areas of business, insurance and health care law. Prior to private practice, Mr. Fitz served as an assistant district attorney with the Tulsa County District Attorney’s Office. During that time, he suc cessfully prosecuted numerous criminal trials and was appointed HOW TO PLACE AN ANNOUNCEMENT: The Oklahoma Bar Journal welcomes short articles or news items about OBA members and upcoming meetings. If you are an OBA member and you’ve moved, become a partner, hired an associate, taken on a partner, received a promotion or an award or given a talk or speech with statewide or national stature, we’d like to hear from
Dan Fulluo was inducted as a Fellow of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers during its 2023 annual meeting. He is a partner at Rhodes, Hieronymus, Jones, Tucker & Gable. Lauren Mass received the Thought Leadership for In-House Counsel Award at the Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference, which was held in New Orleans on Oct. 18. These awards honor top women lawyers who have made remarkable differences in the legal profession, whether in shaping the law, achiev ing outsized results for their clients, being an outstanding jurist or assist ing those in need of legal services. George Freedman has been selected to join the International Association of Defense Counsel, a global legal organization for attorneys who represent corporate and insurance interests. Mr. Freedman practices in the area of commercial litigation, particularly assisting businesses and insurers in diverse segments including oil and gas, construction, water, employment, products liabil ity and complex probate matters. He received his J.D. from the University of Missouri School of Law.
chief prosecutor of the Adult Protective Division. He is the vice president of the Oklahoma Association of Defense Counsel and is affiliated with the Defense Research Institute. He graduated from Indiana University with a bachelor’s degree in criminal jus tice and received his J.D. from the OU College of Law. Taylor Gronlund has joined the Oklahoma City law firm of DeBee, Clark & Weber PLLC as an associate attorney. She practices in the areas of comprehensive estate planning, trust administra tion and probate. Ms. Gronlund received her J.D. from the OCU School of Law. Phillips Murrah as a transactional attorney. She practices in the area of commercial transactions and represents individuals and cor porate clients in a wide range of business matters. Ms. Salomone worked in the oil and gas industry before pursuing her law degree, where she gained ample experi ence in title review, as well as land and leasing acquisitions. you. Sections, committees and county bar associations are encouraged to submit short stories about upcoming or recent activities. Honors bestowed by other publications ( e.g., Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers , etc.) will not be accepted as announcements. (Oklahoma-based publications are the exception.) Information selected for publication is printed at no cost, subject to editing and printed as space permits. Elizabeth V. Salomone has joined the Oklahoma City office of
Submit news items to:
Hailey Boyd Communications Dept. Oklahoma Bar Association 405-416-7018
Articles for the February issue must be received by Jan. 1.
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