The Oklahoma Bar Journal December 2023


The board reviewed highlights from a recent report prepared by the Oklahoma Access to Justice Foundation. The report focused on inequities in the state’s judicial debt collection system and specif ically on how consumer debt, and its tendency to cycle upward with the addition of fees and fines, dis proportionately affects low-income Oklahomans. ANNUAL MEETING AND DIVERSITY DINNER President Hermanson encour aged board members to register and attend events to be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting, to be held Nov. 1-3 in Oklahoma City. UPCOMING OBA AND COUNTY BAR EVENTS President Hermanson reviewed upcoming bar-related events, including several monthly joint receptions and holiday events with local county bars; the Access to Justice Summit, Oct. 20, virtual; and the OBA Annual Meeting, Nov. 1-3, Skirvin Hilton Hotel, Oklahoma City. The Board of Governors met in November, and a summary of those actions will be published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal once the minutes are approved. The next board meeting will be held Friday, Dec. 8, in Oklahoma City. NEXT BOARD MEETING

Governor Bracken reported the Military Assistance Committee is finalizing plans for its inaugural military law CLE, focusing on the intersection of deployments and family law that will be held during the Annual Meeting.

Dinner planned for the Annual Meeting, and she encouraged all members to attend. Governor Bracken reported the Military Assistance Committee is finaliz ing plans for its inaugural military law CLE, focusing on the intersec tion of deployments and family law that will be held during the Annual Meeting. PROFESSIONALISM MOMENT Vice President Williams dis cussed the importance of main taining professional courtesy while continuing to zealously advocate for those who are being represented. The board reviewed and dis cussed the association’s proposed 2024 annual budget as recom mended for passage by the Budget Committee. The board passed a motion to approve submission of the proposed 2024 budget to the Supreme Court. 2024 OBA BUDGET AND PERSONNEL SCHEDULE

BOARD LIAISON REPORTS Governor Ailles Bahm reported that members of the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee met with A Chance to Change. The commit tee is developing a CLE program aimed at training mentors. She also discussed the existing LHL Foundation as a separate entity ripe for revitalization and is work ing proactively to move forward. She also discussed the Wellness Matters CLE program that will be held during the upcoming Annual Meeting. She also reported the committee is still working on out reach to non-metro counties and other law-related groups in metro counties. Vice President Williams reported the Professionalism Committee has been active and is making numerous presentations to local county bars. He also reported the Legislative Monitoring Committee met in October and determined key dates for 2024, including the Legislative Kickoff, Feb. 2; OBA Day at Capitol, March 26; and the Legislative Debrief, to be held during the 2024 Annual Meeting. Governor Smith reported the Diversity Committee has invited the Board of Governors to attend the upcoming Diversity

52 | DECEMBER 2023


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