The Oklahoma Bar Journal August 2023

Muskogee County Bar Association meeting. Governor Knott reported she attended and presented at the Canadian County Bar Association February meeting. Governor Rogers reported he attended the Professionalism Committee meet ing. Governor Smith is continuing her efforts to develop leadership for the Diversity Committee. Governor Thurman reported he hosted a bar association social hour with Dean Guzman of the OU College of Law and presented a recognition at East Central University Senior Night to a varsity basketball player who is attending law school next year. He attended the officer’s meet ing for the Pontotoc County Bar Association and met with repre sentatives from the Department of Corrections to institute community sentencing in Pontotoc County. Governor Vanderburg reported he audited the Oklahoma Association of Municipal Attorneys meeting. Governor White reported he attended a hearing on behalf of the Professional Responsibility Tribunal. He also attended a Tulsa County Bar Association board meeting, where he gave the Professionalism Moment presentation.

procedural assistance to Colorado resident pro se litigants. She coor dinated with YLD board members to participate in Day at the Capitol and attended the YLD February meeting, where they assembled bar exam survival kits. She reviewed the report for Free Legal Answers, drafted an April arti cle about the Solo & Small Firm Conference and connected with Sheila Naifeh with the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee to help with YLD CLE at the conference. She followed up with Tim Rogers about a potential Lawyers Helping Lawyers/YLD mentor program and set up a data collection survey with the YLD Executive Board and the YLD CLE Committee to get updated data to better engage with young lawyers and learn what issues they are facing. She also communicated with Executive Director Johnson and the YLD Solo & Small Firm Committee about YLD suites at the confer ence, as well as communicated with Jim Calloway regarding the YLD’s CLE at the conference. General Counsel Hendryx reported from Feb. 1 to Feb. 28, the Office of the General Counsel received 15 formal grievances and 71 informal grievances. These numbers compare with 10 formal grievances and 48 informal griev ances respectively for the same time period last year. As of Feb. 28, there REPORT OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL

meeting and conducted a day-long hearing as presiding master for the Professional Responsibility Tribunal. Governor Barbush reported he co-authored an article for the Oklahoma Bar Journal and communicated with the county bar president about details for the tri-county meeting. He arranged speaking engagements at schools for Law Day as the Bryan County Law Day chair. He also final ized the speakers, agenda and other details for the Southeastern Oklahoma Summit on June 3 at the Donald W. Reynolds Community Center in Durant. Governor Bracken reported he attended meetings for the Oklahoma County Bar Association board and the Legislative Monitoring Committee, as well as the Oklahoma County Bar Association Young Lawyers Chili Cook-Off. He chaired the Military Assistance Committee meeting and recruited and reached out to new members of the commit tee. He also worked with the Mock Trial Committee regarding appeals and rules related to the Mock Trial competition. Governor Connor reported he attended meetings for the Awards Committee and the Garfield County Bar Association. Governor Dow reported she attended the Oklahoma County Family Law Section meeting, the Civil Procedure and Evidence Code Committee monthly meeting, the Cleveland County Bar Association meeting and the OBA Family Law Section meeting. Governor Hilfiger reported he attended the


Governor Shaffer Siex reported she attended the Access to Justice February meeting, where attend ees heard from a speaker on “Sherlocks,” who are self-represented litigant coordinators who provide

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