The Oklahoma Bar Journal August 2023
B oard of G overnors A ctions
Meeting Summaries
County Bar Association. In con junction with Justice Kauger, she coordinated the first “CLE Movie Night” in several years and began planning the next one set for April. She attended a meeting for stra tegic planning, the NABE Chief Executives Retreat and the Bar Leadership Institute in Chicago, the Legislative Monitoring Committee meeting and the Military Assistance Committee meeting. She also reviewed appli cations, formed an interview panel and prepped for interviews for the new director of educational programs. She attended planning meetings for the Solo & Small Firm Conference with the full committee and with the vice chair to discuss the evening event. REPORT OF THE PAST PRESIDENT Past President Hicks reported he participated in the Tulsa County Bar Association’s Golf Committee planning meetings, held discussions with President Hermanson about attending the State Bar of Texas meeting as representatives of the OBA and reviewed recent developments in the Schell litigation. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Governor Ailles Bahm reported she attended the Legislative Monitoring Committee meeting and assisted with gen erating the agenda for OBA Day at the Capitol. She also attended the Bench and Bar Committee
REPORT OF THE VICE PRESIDENT Vice President Williams reported he attended meetings of the Legislative Monitoring Committee and the Membership Engagement Committee, and he chaired a meeting of the Professionalism Committee. He also attended an organizational meeting of the Court on the Judiciary – Appellate Division, the Tulsa County Bar Association Energy Mineral Law Section meeting and participated in the TU College of Law Diversity Day event. President-Elect Pringle reported he worked on coordinating OBA Day at the Capitol, met with OBA staff on strategic planning issues and participated in interviews of candidates for the next OBA educational programs director. He attended the Bar Leadership Institute in Chicago, the Oklahoma Bar Foundation’s board retreat, the Membership Engagement Committee meeting, and he chaired a meeting of the Legislative Monitoring Committee. Executive Director Johnson welcomed new OBA Director of Educational Programs Gigi McCormick. She reported that she prepared materials for OBA Day at the Capitol and coordinated the joint reception with the Oklahoma REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT-ELECT
The Oklahoma Bar Association Board of Governors met March 20, 2023.
REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT President Hermanson reported he served on the committee that interviewed applicants for the role of OBA educational program director and submitted recom mendations to Executive Director Johnson. He also participated in an OBA CLE program with Chief Justice Kane, Attorney General Drummond and former Attorney General Edmondson. He worked on filling vacant committee positions and contacted commit tee chairs to discuss committee work on making the bar center’s entrance more accessible for those with disabilities. He signed certificates for members with 50-, 60- and 70-year anniversaries. He helped prepare and tape a CLE presentation, wrote an article for the Oklahoma Bar Journal and had discussions with Vice President Williams, Past President Hicks and Executive Director Johnson on several topics. He also virtu ally attended meetings for the Legislative Monitoring Committee and Professionalism Committee. He communicated with Judge Butner concerning the Seminole County Law Day program and reviewed the agenda and remarks for the OBA Law Day Contest award ceremony, as well as remarks for the OBA Law Day video.
74 | AUGUST 2023
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