The Oklahoma Bar Journal August 2022


LAW DAY REPORT The board was briefed on the results of the association’s 2022 Law Day activities by Chairperson Ed Wunch. He discussed how this year’s updates included a video content plan embracing digital com munications methods that resulted in a dramatic increase in video views and significant reduction in cost per view compared to previous years. He also reported the com mittee received the highest number of schoolchildren’s art and writing contest entries in its history. Governor Angela Ailles Bahm delivered an informational pre sentation on behalf of the Bench and Bar Committee outlining the current state of the judiciary in Oklahoma along with a histori cal analysis of the state’s current method of judicial selection. She said the committee has identified a need for greater public education related to the Oklahoma Judicial Nominating Commission to share factual information aimed at maintaining judicial competency and independence in the state. CLE ANNUAL REPORT Educational Programs Director Janet Johnson presented an execu tive summary related to the current state of the OBA CLE Department, which continues to serve as the state’s leading provider of con tinuing legal education. A key highlight of her report noted that while there is still an appetite for in-person events, more members than ever prefer virtual and online learning even when in-person events are available. She also noted that although the department provided a significant amount of CLE without charge in 2021, the department was still able to record positive income for the year. JUDICIARY IN OKLAHOMA UPDATE

Committee met and discussed a planned campaign to increase usage of the Fastcase legal research member benefit. Governor Hilfiger said the Law Day Committee recently met and will be presenting its report during this meeting. Governor Garrett said the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee is continu ing its efforts to establish monthly meetings in non-metro areas and is also discussing plans to regu larly submit mental health-related articles to the Oklahoma Bar Journal . She also said the Cannabis Law Committee is planning a day-long CLE this fall or winter. Executive Director Williams reported on behalf of Vice President Pringle that the Legislative Monitoring Committee will meet next week. Governor Smith reported the Diversity Committee met and discussed speakers for various upcoming events. A monthly article in the Oklahoma Bar Journal is also being discussed. Also being discussed is planning for the Diversity Dinner to be held in conjunction with Annual Meeting. Governor Bracken said he has been involved in discussions with the Military Assistance Committee to resume regular meetings. President Hicks reported the Strategic Planning Committee met and dis cussed the search for the new OBA executive director. OBA AWARDS The board passed a motion to approve recommendations and findings of the Awards Committee presented by Chairperson LeAnne McGill, who reported that the committee recommends no changes to awards or customary practices in 2022.

President Hicks reviewed upcoming bar-related events, including the Oklahoma Judicial Conference, July 14, Embassy Suites Downtown Medical Center, Oklahoma City; Board of Governors joint board event with the Tulsa County Bar Association, Aug. 18, Tulsa; Boiling Springs Legal Institute, Sept. 20, Woodward; swearing-in ceremony for new admittees, Sept. 27, Oklahoma Judicial Center, Oklahoma City; OBA Women in Law Conference, Sept. 30, Civic Center Music Hall, Oklahoma City; and the OBA Annual Meeting, Nov. 2-4, Oklahoma City Convention Center, Oklahoma City. The Board of Governors met in July, and a summary of those actions will be published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal once the min utes are approved. The next board meeting will be at 10 a.m. Friday, Aug. 19 at the offices of the Tulsa County Bar Association. NEXT BOARD MEETING

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