The Oklahoma Bar Journal August 2022

Governor Garrett said the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee is continuing its efforts to establish monthly meetings in non-metro areas and is also discussing plans to regularly submit mental health-related articles to the Oklahoma Bar Journal .

grievances pending investiga tion by the Office of the General Counsel for future presentation to the Professional Responsibility Commission. In addition to the pending investigations, there is one grievance awaiting a private reprimand and seven grievances to be filed as formal charges with the Oklahoma Supreme Court. Furthermore, upon the success ful completion of the Attorney Diversion Program, participating attorneys are to receive private reprimands involving 19 griev ances and letters of admonition involving nine grievances. board members to Durant on behalf of the Solo & Small Firm Conference Planning Committee and said that planning for the 2023 conference will begin soon. Governor Conner said the Awards Committee will meet in August to decide on its recommendations for 2022 OBA Awards and that award nominations are due July 1. President-Elect Hermanson said the Membership Engagement BOARD LIAISON REPORTS Governor Erwin welcomed

Melissa Brooks from LASO spoke about volunteer opportunities, and the YLD Board of Directors signed up to be part of the Pro Bono Challenge. He also had the opportunity to speak to a group of high school sophomores who were part of the Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership class about what it’s like being an attorney and what makes a good leader. That event took place on June 4. General Counsel Hendryx reported from May 1 to May 31, the Office of the General Counsel received 14 formal grievances and 67 informal grievances. These numbers compare with 18 formal and 59 informal griev ances respectively the same time period last year. As of May 31, there were six disciplinary cases and two reinstatements awaiting decisions from the Supreme Court. Between May 1 and May 31, the Supreme Court issued one Order of Dismissal and one Order of Indefinite Suspension. As of May 31, there were 172 REPORT OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL

Oklahoma Bar Foundation’s 75th anniversary Diamonds & Disco gala. She also recorded a new segment for the OBA CLE video series “Between Two Weeds: The Joint Sessions.” Governor Hilfiger reported he attended the Muskogee County Bar Association monthly meeting. Governor Rochelle reported he attended Oklahoma Bar Foundation’s 75th anniversary Diamonds & Disco gala. Governor Smith reported she attended an OBA Diversity Committee meeting and the Oklahoma Bar Foundation’s 75th anniver sary Diamonds & Disco gala. Governor White Jr. reported by email he attended the Oklahoma Bar Foundation’s 75th anniversary Diamonds & Disco gala. Governor Erwin thanked those who traveled to this meeting on behalf of the Solo & Small Firm Conference Planning Committee and invited the board to attend the YLD hospitality suite. He reported the YLD held its monthly meeting on May 21. At the YLD meeting, REPORT OF THE YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION

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