The Oklahoma Bar Journal April 2023

Governor Hilfiger reported the Law Day Committee received 1,340 entries into its annual student art and writing contests, and the judging is nearing completion.

Oklahoma attorneys. Governor White said the Legal Internship Committee met Feb. 3 and dis cussed changes to the admittance exam; the committee will meet again in March. Vice President Williams said the Legislative Monitoring Committee hosted its annual Legislative Kickoff, and it was a successful, well- attended event. OBA Day at the Capitol is coming up in March. He also reported the Membership Engagement Committee has met and is discussing a membership survey. Governor Bracken said the Military Assistance Committee will be meeting Feb. 28, and plans are being made to coordinate a joint CLE program with the Family Law Section. Governor Shaffer Siex reported the Solo and Small Firm Conference Planning Committee has met and is discussing plans to attract young lawyers to the event to stimulate engagement. PRESIDENT HERMANSON’S APPOINTMENTS The board passed motions to approve the following appointments: MCLE Commission – President Hermanson appoints John R. Andrew, Ponca City, to complete the unexpired term of Jimmy Oliver – term expires Dec. 31, 2023.

Solo and Small Firm Conference Planning Committee meeting. At the meeting, they requested input on how to attract young lawyers to the conference and decided the OBA YLD will host a CLE program. She reviewed the minutes from the Access to Justice Committee meeting. General Counsel Hendryx reported that annual reports of the Professional Responsibility Commission and Professional Responsibility Tribunal were filed timely with the Supreme Court and reviewed highlights from those reports. In 2022, 1,038 grievances were filed against 794 lawyers. Therefore, fewer than 5% of licensed attorneys received a complaint. The majority of com plaints pertain to neglect, and most typically, complaints are filed against solo and small firm practitioners, and the largest num ber of grievances received were against lawyers who have been in practice 26 years or more. A written report of PRC actions and OBA disciplinary matters for the month was submitted to the board for its review. REPORT OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL

BOARD LIAISON REPORTS Governor Ailles Bahm said the Bench and Bar Committee is preparing to meet soon. Governor Dow reported the Civil Procedure and Evidence Code Committee met recently and discussed current legislation. Governor Rogers said the Professionalism Committee met recently and is setting a regular meeting sched ule. Governor Smith said the Member Services Committee met Feb. 9 and is considering new con tracts for services. Past President Hicks said the Investment Committee is planning to meet soon. Governor Hilfiger reported the Law Day Committee received 1,340 entries into its annual stu dent art and writing contests, and the judging is nearing completion. Chief Justice Kane will speak to this year’s winners during a ceremony at the state Capitol on March 21. Governor Barbush said the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee is meeting regularly and continues to host the monthly discussion groups. Co-Chairs Goode and Naifeh have sent him their com mittee meeting and event schedule so that he can attend. They have also confirmed their availability to attend a planned summit to further the goal of reaching rural

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