The Oklahoma Bar Journal April 2023
Fellows meeting, the OBA Government and Administrative Law Practice Section meeting and the February Cost Administration Implementation Committee meet ing. He audited the Oklahoma Municipal Judges Association meeting and the January meet ing of the Cost Administration Implementation Committee. Additionally, he met with the Climate Change Committee for the International Association of Municipal Attorneys and took the OJIS training. He also attended the Oklahoma Municipal Attorneys Association February meeting. Governor Shaffer Siex reported she attended the OBA YLD initial meeting, where they had an ori entation for new members, hosted the roast of outgoing chair Dylan Erwin and appointed vacancies, reporting that all board positions are filled. She attended the ABA Midyear Meeting, which included events such as the YLD Assembly, the Oklahoma Delegates Dinner and the House of Delegates meet ing. She reported there is an oppor tunity for the OBA YLD to join the ABA Litigation Section’s national news magazine as contributing editors and sent the opportunity to board members to spread the word. At the House of Delegates meet ing, attendees considered several resolutions on a variety of topics and passed a number of them. Additionally, she attended the OBA REPORT OF THE YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION
and Evidence Code Committee and the OBA Family Law Section meeting. Governor Thurman attended a Pontotoc County Bar Association meeting, an Oklahoma City Fire Department and Police Department charity event and the Pontotoc County Drug Court Graduation. He began contacting Pontotoc County board members and Oklahoma Supreme Court justices to plan the Sheep Creek event this sum mer and headed the Pontotoc County Bar Association officer meeting to begin preparations for events for the year. Governor Smith reported she attended the OBA Member Services Committee meeting and the OBA Joint Reception. Governor Vanderburg reported he attended the International Association of Municipal Attorneys – Municipal
included as the speaker of the House, as well as met with the pages and some of the Oklahoma House of Representatives mem bers afterward. Additionally, he has continued to work on putting together a summit for this summer for attorneys in his district. Governor Bracken reported he attended the OBA Legislative Kickoff and the 2023 Joint Reception. He worked with various committee chairs and other OBA members to recruit members to the OBA Military Assistance Committee and gather ideas of how to improve the committee. Governor Conner reported he attended the Garfield County Bar Association meet ing. Governor Dow reported she attended the Cleveland County Bar Association meeting, a virtual meeting of the Civil Procedure
Governor Bracken reported he worked with various committee chairs and other OBA members to recruit members to the OBA Military Assistance Committee and gather ideas of how to improve the committee.
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